Florida's Bubbe Factor

My mother's second marriage took me along with her into a world far left of the land of my upbringing...the Deep Right South.

Brooklyn, New York.

This Dixie Chick became a Gentile grand-daughter at age three.

I grew up intermingled in a bipolar world of chicken soup and chicken and dumplings, chopped liver and fried chicken livers.

Democratic politics vs. Republican politics.

I wouldn't trade it for the world.

So, I get Sarah Silverman's You-Tube, The Great Schlep because I lived it.

Sarah invites all Jewish grandchildren to schlep down to Florida and encourage their grandparents to vote for Obama.

That would include us Jewish-by-proxy grandkids.

Although Sarah pokes fun at her heritage, the very important point she relays is the bulk of Florida's Jewish senior citizens comprise a very impressive voting block called South Florida.

Many seniors still sting over the thought of one less Clinton on the ticket. This Obama fellow---eck, wave of the hand--is still a reaction common among an age group whose disappointment could keep Florida red.

When's the last time you visited your Florida grandparents? How about your great-Aunt Charlotte and great-Uncle Billy? Or Francis the Landlord, who rented the Sea Gate apartment to Bubbe and Poppy?

At the very least, give them a call.

Just to hear this.

Oh, so now you call, when you want something.....

(In fond remembrance of Muriel and Sharkey).