It's at this point that I'm at a crossroads. I've been busy, there is no hiding the truth. However, I do not want to shut down Across-the-Board. I've just not had the time as I did before to dedicate my time here. I've also been spending time at
I've recieved suggestions in that allowing other contributers and authors to ACB would help sustain its life, since so many of you hate to see it go.
I like the idea.
If you would like to be considered a author and contributer to Across-the-Board, please write in the comments of this post or write an email to describing;
1.) Why would you like to help Across-the-Board?
2.) What, if any experience do you have in blogging? (show me examples)
3.) If you have traveled 4.8 miles in 24 minutes, what was your average speed, in miles per hour?