Thoughts that came to mind upon learning John McCain suspended his campaign to concentrate on the economic crisis.
McCain's operating in temper tantrum mode.
I'm down in the polls, so I'm taking my toys and going home.
John thinks we're stupid.
Delay is not just another Texan named Tom.
Cyndy must be losing a bundle in the market.
McCain's balloon mortgage popped wide open on three of his seven houses.
Is Mitt Romney still available?
Twitter bomb. #suspending Giuliani to the GOP. CALL ME.
Campaign strategy: Muzzle Sarah. Disappear until November 4.
John misses Joe.
McCain got the bad news. No teleprompters at the debate.
Mr. Sincere is just another Rove-bot.
Distract. Distract. Distract.
Talk Radio will spin McCain as courageous and a good American.
McCain's heading back to DC just to make certain a very relieved Mark Foley isn't squatting in his Senate office.
He's losing his mind.
McCain can't make the debate. He'll be busy stuffing money under his mattress.
McCain lost his crib sheet somewhere in Palin's up-do.
Pulling his campaign ads screams I'm running out of money.
He's unsteady. He's unprepared. And I bet he turns his phone off at 3 AM.
Message to 100 million Americans expected to watch Friday night's debate? I'd be here if you people would just swallow the $700 billion bail-out like good little sheep.
McCain's the Evil Knievel of Politics. One stunt after another.
The hand's quicker than the eye. What's he really up to?