With the Right all ga-ga over Sarah Palin, the spotlight wavered off the Alaskan babe just long enough to capture the sentencing of former lobbyist Jack Abramoff.
Four years in prison for fraud and trying to corrupt public officials in a Washington scandal that also sent a Republican congressman to jail.
“I come before you as a broken man,” Abramoff said in court. “I’m not the same man who happily and arrogantly engaged in a lifestyle of political and business corruption.”
Check out Muckety's interactive map of Abramoff connections.
Keep playing with it and my guess is, Florida Rep Tom Feeney will eventually surface, a chip shot away from the ties leading to his golf buddy, big Jack.
Read more about their relationship here.
And here.
By the way, Feeney's up for reelection.
Vote him out.