This Frog's all about nonverbals.
Around 2:33 into the video below, 18-year-old hubby-to-be Levi Johnston lets out one heckuva my-life's-all-shot-to-hell sigh that could only mean one thing.
I should've worn a condom.
You've just become the new freecreditreport.com guy, Levi. Only difference being, your identity got hacked by social conservative control freak Sarah Palin.
But maybe instead of selling fish to tourists in tee shirts, your new father-in-law can give you a job on his commercial fishing boat.
The one named Mommy Dearest.
But look on the bright side.
At least Bristol was legal. You dodged the underage consensual sex bullet. After how I've heard your soon-to-be mother-in-law used her position as Governor to go after her sister's state trooper ex-husband, you would've been the poster boy of the Alaskan sex offender registry.
It's too bad, kid. As we say in the South...
...you're fixin' to find out just how long forever really is.