The Wingwalker Crashes and Burns

Sometimes we just get a feeling about people. Something just doesn't feel right.
I never cared for Tim Mahoney much, disappointed in his wingwalking between the Democratic party and his Palm Beach Republican constituency. Additionally, the forever association of his win connected with the Mark Foley scandal had somehow slimed Mahoney, causing me to pretty much gag whenever our paths crossed at Democratic events.
Call it women's intuition, call it a sixth sense, call me right.
The slimed became The Slime.
And now the Dems are likely to lose the District 12 seat because Tim wingwalked between his marriages and his affairs. I bet you money that Mark Foley would win reelection if he threw his hat back into the ring three days before the election.
Mark Mahoney on the Presidential race...
And decide they will.

Did Mahoney think he'd get away with it?
If there were a political equivalent of the Darwin Awards, this year's winner would be Tim Mahoney, the Democratic congressman from Palm Beach Gardens.
ABC News recently nailed Mahoney for nailing one of his staff members and then paying her more than $121,000 in hush money.
While Mahoney isn't the first priapic politician to get snagged in his own zipper, the circumstances of his misbehavior indicate that he's afflicted with exceptional stupidity.
It's been only two years since he narrowly won the District 12 seat, a victory made possible when his original opponent, Republican incumbent Mark Foley, abruptly quit the race because of -- guess what? -- a sex scandal.
Foley had been caught sending ''inappropriate'' e-mails to young men who'd worked as congressional pages, which is to say he was basically trolling online. Yet even as Foley was being pummeled by those tawdry revelations, his Democratic (and long-married) rival was engaged in secret mischief of his own.
During a 2006 campaign appearance, Mahoney had met a woman named Patricia Allen and they'd begun having an affair. According to Democratic sources, Mahoney soon arranged for Allen to work as a volunteer in his campaign.
It was a sleazy move, but not automatically career-killing. That would come later.
The seedy, sudden demise of his Republican opponent failed to ring an alarm bell in Mahoney's uncomplicated brain. Even a half wit running against Foley would have drawn a lesson from the exploding e-mail scandal and hastily cleaned up his or her own act.
Not Terminally Tumescent Tim.
While carrying on his extramarital affair, Mahoney presented himself to disillusioned Foley supporters as the candidate of ''faith, family and personal responsibility.'' The pitch was convincing enough to beat Joe Negron, the GOP's last-minute replacement for Foley.
Once elected, Mahoney didn't waste any time on soul-searching or spiritual introspection. Instead he promptly hired Patricia Allen to be on his congressional staff.
That it was arrogant and hypocritical goes without saying, but those flaws are pandemic in politics. What really stands out is Mahoney's unfathomable dumbness.
Did he seriously believe he could put his hump buddy on the payroll without anyone knowing? Or, worse, did he assume that nobody would care?
With rumors running wild, Mahoney was braced last year by Rep. Rahm Emanuel, a senior Democrat from Illinois. Emanuel warned Mahoney that people were talking about the affair and urged him to act responsibly and ``appropriately.''
Mahoney did neither. Friends of Allen told ABC that she decided to end the relationship when she found out the congressman was having other extramarital dalliances.
So, in another stroke of brilliance, Mahoney summarily fired Allen last January. To no one's surprise (except the clueless congressman), Allen threatened to sue for sexual harassment. Eventually Mahoney agreed to pay her $121,903, which he said came from his own pocket.
Two weeks ago, when the settlement came to light, Mahoney labeled the allegations ''hearsay'' and asked for a congressional inquiry into the charges.
It was a feeble stall. Within days, the congressman had apologetically admitted not only to the Patricia Allen escapade, but ''multiple'' others.
Multiple is wonderful in the context of a bedroom experience with one's own spouse, but it's not a word you want to hear in a public confession of adulterous tendencies. For Mahoney, the fireworks are just beginning.
As of this writing, he says he has no plans to resign from the House of Representatives or drop out of the race, like his disgraced predecessor did. Mahoney insists he broke no laws, although the hiring of one's mistress seems a questionable use of taxpayer money. Would that be considered an earmark, or an ear nibble?
Once holding a comfortable lead over challenger Tom Rooney, Mahoney has taken a nose-dive in the polls. His wife wants a divorce, and her attorney has inquired about certain joint funds that the congressman allegedly transferred to solo accounts.
It's a sad, awful mess for the congressman's family, and no bargain for constituents who put their trust in him.
While the history of politics includes notorious horndogs from both major parties, the Democrats have a special flair for dumbass self-destruction -- Wilbur Mills on stage with his Argentine stripper, Gary Hart aboard the Monkey Business with Donna Rice and of course Bill Clinton in the White House with Monica.
None of those fellows hired, then fired, their girlfriends. You might say Tim Mahoney has gall, or you might say he's not the brightest bulb on the porch.
In any case, there's good reason to doubt both his judgment and his character.
Make that multiple reasons.
--Miami Herald, 10/26/08
You Can Vote However You Like

Hey Froggers.
Sorry for the erratic posting these past couple of weeks, but man, this Change stuff is hard work!
I'm beat.
SO...when someone emailed me the video the Ron Clark Academy students performing "You Can Vote However You Like",'ve got to check it out yourselves.
The energy is contagious.
Batteries recharged. Let's go elect Obama!
They vote alike and keep it tight
Obama's new, he's younger too
The Middle Class he will help you
He'll bring a change, he's got the brains
McCain and Bush are just the same
You are to blame, Iraq's a shame
Four more years would be insane
David Sedaris on the Undecided Voter

David Sedaris on undecided voters--
"I don’t know that it was always this way, but, for as long as I can remember, just as we move into the final weeks of the Presidential campaign the focus shifts to the undecided voters. “Who are they?” the news anchors ask. “And how might they determine the outcome of this election?”
Then you’ll see this man or woman— someone, I always think, who looks very happy to be on TV. “Well, Charlie,” they say, “I’ve gone back and forth on the issues and whatnot, but I just can’t seem to make up my mind!” Some insist that there’s very little difference between candidate A and candidate B. Others claim that they’re with A on defense and health care but are leaning toward B when it comes to the economy.
I look at these people and can’t quite believe that they exist. Are they professional actors? I wonder. Or are they simply laymen who want a lot of attention?
To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”
To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.
I mean, really, what’s to be confused about?"
Looking forward to the future of space travel?
John Carmack's Armadillo Aerospace has won the $US350,000 Level One X-Prize Lunar Lander Challenge.
Their spaceship blasted off the designated area, got up to 150 feet, and then hovered for 90 seconds at that altitude to land with absolute precision on a pad 150 feet away.
The Well-Connected Barbara West

Oh Barbara.
Tsk, tsk.
I once considered you the genteel anchorwoman of the Central Florida viewing area. Well, at least since the departure of the lovely Marla Weech.
How you disappoint us, Mrs. West..
Barbara, you've been stuck in Orlando far too long. Time to apply a fresh layer of lip gloss and head on over to FOX news.
Read more about Barb and Wade here.
The Casey Anthony Case Smells

I tell ya.
I'm getting flat out sick of this Casey Anthony story.
Anthony was recently indicted for the first degree murder of her three-year-old daughter Caylee.
No body found, mind you.
Just a lot of junk in the trunk. Literally. Supposed evidence of a "decompositional event".
Translated: smelled like something died in there.
As if the entire case hasn't been Jerry Springer enough, Central Floridians are gabbing big time over the FBI lab report released today, which amounts to a whole lot of CSI conjecture hooey, including the analysis of decompositional odor via air samples.
Yeah, something smells in Orlando alright.
The scent of state attorney Lawson Lamar running for reelection in the style of overzealous Mike Nifong of Duke University fame.
Anthony's attorney Jose Baez:
"I understand there is an election going on, and I understand that those days are numbered, and I understand that Casey Anthony is public enemy No.1 and that the State Attorney's Office and the sheriff's department are under a great deal of pressure to close this case. I don't think Lawson Lamar would, and I certainly hope Lawson Lamar would not, utilize a missing child to keep his job."
I'm praying this kid is found alive. For a whole lot of reasons.
Google Phone vs. 3G iPhone, the showdown!
A friend of mine, Ferris, fellow co-worker, received his new “Google Phone” in the mail today. If you didn’t hear in the news, today was the launch of the new T-Mobile cell phone — named the G1. This phone runs the Google Android operating system. Complete with a touchscreen, QWERTY keyboard, GPS, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, etc — you know, all that good stuff.
Anyways, I shot a quick video blog to show and compare the G1 “Google Phone” to the recently released 3G iPhone. Watch my complete video blog about the two phones below…
P.S. You may remember Ferris from a hilarious video blog that he was featured in previously — he had a “half” cell phone that miraculously was still working.The Frog's Redemption

Ok, okay.
After yesterday's post, I'll try to redeem myself.
"At the DEC meeting last night, it was announced that attorneys will be available at the polls in case voters need legal help relative to their right to vote. They will be wearing blue baseball caps. Don't know if Brevard County is doing this or not. The attorneys were at the last general election. Also, people with t-shirts, buttons, etc., and they can wear them in the polls where they vote. These attorneys are coming in from all over the U.S. Strictly volunteer, get here on their own, etc. I know the one I met previously was a nice guy, and fit right in with the voters, poll workers, etc.".
Four years ago Time photographer Callie Shell met Barack Obama backstage when she was covering presidential candidate John Kerry. She sent her editor more photographs of Obama than Kerry. When asked why, she said, "I do not know. I just have a feeling about him. I think he will be important down the road."
Her first photo essay on Obama was two and half years ago. She has stuck with him ever since.
My favorite pic by Callie, simply because it gave me goosebumps.
Obama danced it out with Ellen recently via satellite but check out the footage from almost one year ago today.
Zogby has Obama (51.6%) up ten points over McCain. (42.0%).
Pollster John Zogby: “Three big days for Obama. Anything can happen, but time is running short for McCain. These numbers, if they hold, are blowout numbers. They fit the 1980 model with Reagan's victory over Carter -- but they are happening 12 days before Reagan blasted ahead. If Obama wins like this we can be talking not only victory but realignment: he leads by 27 points among Independents, 27 points among those who have already voted, 16 among newly registered voters, 31 among Hispanics, 93%-2% among African Americans, 16 among women, 27 among those 18-29, 5 among 30-49 year olds, 8 among 50-64s, 4 among those over 65, 25 among Moderates, and 12 among Catholics (which is better than Bill Clinton's 10-point victory among Catholics in 1996). He leads with men by 2 points, and is down among whites by only 6 points, down 2 in armed forces households, 3 among investors, and is tied among NASCAR fans.”
Clinton Got a Whaat?

I'm probably going straight to hell for posting this video, but I'm taking my brother with me for being a bad influence and sending it to me.
Enjoy this sarcastic comparison of George W. Bush and William Jefferson Clinton by singer songwriter Eric Schwartz.
(Psst. Disclaimer: Not for the easily offended. Seriously).
Barack Heading Home to Hawaii

Barack Obama has suspended his campaign stops for the next couple of days to fly home to Hawaii to be with his grandmother.
According to The Swamp:
Madelyn Dunham, 86, was released from the hospital at the end of last week and returned to her home in Honolulu with a health condition the aide described only as "very serious."But Obama's decision to cancel campaign events "underscores the seriousness of the situation," communications director Robert Gibbs told reporters during an evening flight following a campaign event in Orlando.
Obama will continue with scheduled events in Florida this week but, instead of going to Des Moines to campaign on Thursday, he will take a detour to Indianapolis and then head to Hawaii. He plans to spend Thursday and Friday with his grandmother.
Best wishes to the family.
102 Years Ago
The year is 1906.
One hundred and two years ago.
What a difference a century makes!
Here are some of the U.S. statistics for the Year 1906:
- The average life expectancy in the U.S. was 47 years.
- Only 14 percent of the homes in the U.S. had a bathtub.
- Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone
- A three-minute call from Denver to New York City cost eleven dollars.
- There were only 8,000 cars in the U.S., and only 144 miles of paved roads.
- The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
- Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and Tennessee were each more heavily populated than California. With a mere 1.4 million people, California was only the 21st most populous state in the Union.
- The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!
- The average wage in the U.S. was 22 cents per hour.
- The average U.S. worker made between $200 and $400 per year .
- A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year, a dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
- More than 95 percent of all births in the U.S. took place at HOME.
- Ninety percent of all U.S. doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION! Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press AND the government as “substandard.”
- Sugar cost four cents a pound.
- Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.
- Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.
- Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
- Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
- Five leading causes of death in the U.S. were:
1. Pneumonia and influenza
2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea
4. Heart disease
5. Stroke - The American flag had 45 stars.
- Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Alaska hadn’t been admitted to the Union yet..
- The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was only 30!!!!
- Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and ice tea hadn’t been invented yet.There was no Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.
- Two out of every 10 U.S. adults couldn’t read or write. Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.
- Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores. Back then pharmacists said, “Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health.” ( Shocking? DUH! )
- Eighteen percent of households in the U.S. had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.
- There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE ! U.S.A. !
Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years.
Miami Herald Endorses Barack Obama

Although two very unlikely newspapers that have not endorsed a candidate in eons--the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles Times--grabbed the press by publicly recommending Barack Obama for President, the endorsement that caught my attention was that of the Miami Herald.
As the Herald has longed deferred to the conservative right-leaning political leadership of Miami, the endorsement comes as a pleasant surprise to this left-leaning Frog.
There may be hope yet for those living beneath the Julia Tuttle Causeway.
A clear choiceIndeed, the way the two candidates responded to the economic meltdown offers a lesson in contrasting styles of leadership. Both have put forth a series of worthwhile policy options, but where Sen. Obama was calm, Sen. McCain was frantic. He first put his campaign ''on hold'' and suggested he would cancel the first debate, and then suddenly decided to take part even as the first bailout deal cratered. He said the fundamentals of the economy were strong, then a few days later vowed to ''name the names'' of those responsible for the financial crisis.
In other elections, voters have complained of having to make a choice between two bad candidates. That is not the case this time. The nation is fortunate to have good candidates and a clear choice. Sen. Obama represents the best chance for America to make a clean break with the culture wars and failed policies of the past, and begin to restore the hope and promise of America as the world's greatest democracy.
Read the endorsement in its entirely here.
Intolerants and Amendment 2

The following Yahooed it's way into my email account and caught my attention in the way that causes my gastric juices to churn.
Quoted from The Bilerico Project. in its entirety:
"The Westboro Baptist Church, best known for their "God Hates Fags" and Military Funeral protests, is coming to "debate" Florida's Amendment 2, the so-called "Marriage Protection" Amendment, at a forum next week at Florida International University. They were invited by the Stonewall Legal Alliance, a gay group at the FIU College of Law, after the group was unable to get members of the state coalition supporting the amendment to attend.
And it looks like both sides of the amendment fight have some reservations and concerns about injecting the hyper-bigotry of Westboro into the debate.
Westboro is classified as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League monitors its actions. David Barkey, a lawyer for the southern region of ADL, which opposes the amendment, said had this to say about Westboro being involved in the debate:
If you allow such a group and give them a platform, you give them legitimacy. This group should have no legitimacy.
On the other side of the Amendment fight, Naugle-loving Fundie Janet Folger of Faith2Action is miffed as well:
That's the most heinous thing I've ever heard. They go to the most radical group. It's a deliberate attempt to make the pro-marriage people appear to be something they're not.
That seems to be the idea behind the invitation. Jose Gabilondo, an associate law professor at FIU who will to argue against the amendment (while two daughters of Westboro Pastor Fred Phelps will speak for it), said he doesn't see the difference in the message of Westboro and that of more "mainstream" groups that support the amendment:
I think it's a mistake to distinguish between respectable homophobia and unacceptable homophobia.
What does Westboro have to say about all of this? They say they are speaking for God, not spreading hate. Shirley Phelps-Roper (she's the one in the picture above holding the "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" sign), who will speak alongside her sister Margie Phelps, said:
You can't change God. Don't try to make us ashamed of his word. If you want to call God hateful, you do that at your own peril.
I must say I am a bit unsettled about inviting Westboro into a scholarly setting. It does give them and their viewpoint credence. Plus, we all know they travel in packs, so I'm sure they will have their picketers and disgusting signs out in full force at the event.
I know it shows how irrational the backers of this amendment are, but I am concerned that the already heightened atmosphere of intolerance created by the amendment in Florida may just boil over when you add in the inflammatory rhetoric and general craziness of Westboro. The last thing we need in Florida is to inject a group that calls for the death of gay people in the mix."
The event is scheduled for October 25th, 9:30 am, at Florida International University Law School Auditorium, at Rafael Diaz-Balart Hall on the University Park campus, 11200 SW Eighth St., west of Miami.
Warming Up the Crowd

Enjoy a couple of funnies before tonight's debate.
What would a Palin Presidency look like?
Click here to find out. (Warning! Click on the red phone last).
And what's that old saying about "Out of the mouth of babes?"
Take a listen to Dear John.

If an acorn falls in the woods, does anyone hear it?
Apparently so.
Mark Ambinder--who blogs A Report on Politics--posted the following 10/13/2008...with a disclaimer that "the video clip was e-mailed to this column by a Democrat who supports Barack Obama."
A goldfish's lifetime ago, Sen. John McCain was happy to accept the honors and acclamation of the Service Employees International Union, People for the American Way, UNITE HERE -- and ACORN. Here he is, on Feb. 20, 2006, telling immigration rights activists at a rally in Miami that they "are what makes America special." ACORN co-sponsored the rally, and its volunteers surround McCain, and while there's no evidence that McCain ever formally teamed with the group, the video serves as a reminder that he did not mind being associated with them when the politics of the moment were different.
McCain had no trouble fraternizing with ACORN in 2006 when their political interests coincided with his. Now, his campaign is writing e-mails in his name bashing ACORN as a tool of the Obama machine.
"We need your help to ensure a fair and honest election. Already we have seen nationwide voter registration fraud by ACORN - a group closely linked to Barack Obama," one e-mail from "The McCain Legal Team" says.
Republican hypocrisy raises it's ugly head once again.
Hockey Mom Pucked Over by Philly Fans

It's cold out there on the ice for old Sarah.
When Sarah Palin dropped the ceremonial first puck at the Flyers’ opener on Saturday night at the Wachovia Center, she was greeted by resounding (almost deafening) boos. Ed Snider, owner of the Flyers, had her introduced to the crowd more as a hockey mom than as the Republican candidate for vice president. She was flanked by Scott Gomez, the Rangers center, and Mike Richards, the Flyers center.
While Philadelphia fans are known for not being shy about voicing disapproval, the question has been raised — including by me in an earlier version of this post — whether the appearance was appropriate at a sports event like this.
Theres nothing like an explosive breakup
The breakup itself began at an altitude of about 47 miles and produced some 600 fragments of 22-44 lb. in mass. The debris field covered a 125 x 1,250 mi. corridor about 1,250 mi. east of New Zealand and 1,675 mi. south of French Polynesia.
Check out the full video here (41MB).
Sean Hannity's Rumored New Low

The rumor is bottom-dweller commentator (and I use that word lightly) will sink to new lows this evening, digging deep into the muck "to air a very important documentary about Barack Obama, Sunday at 9:00 PM. He (Hannity) stated on the air ... that no one in the news media was willing to do this."
"This" includes the typical "radical professors, friends and spiritual advisors" rant spewed forth against Obama via the Hannity daily propaganda broadcast.
In preparation for the man who spends most of his broadcast day blasting hot air in order to fill dead air (as evidenced by the severe lack of listener call-in), join Baltimore Sun's David Zurawik in his critique of Hannity's recent "interview" of John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Hannity hits new low (even for him) with Palin-McCain
As servile and journalistically bankrupt as Fox News host Sean Hannity behaved three weeks ago during a conversation with Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, it was merely prelude to the role he took on Wednesday night in an "interview" with Palin and her running mate, Sen. John McCain.It quickly became apparent that the session was not aimed at defining issues and candidate positions, or probing the candidates on the several crises facing the nation today in hopes of giving voters information that would help them make an informed choice. Instead it became an exercise in Hannity methodically going point by point over what appeared to be a list of things McCain wished he had said in Tuesday's debate with Sen. Barack Obama -- but didn't.
It got far worse, however, when Hannity shifted to a new role of using interviewer queries not as softballs for the candidates to hit out of the park, but instead using the questions to give voice to unsubstantiated accusations against Obama. Under the false guise of journalism, Hannity used questions Wednesday to say things about Obama too nasty for even the candidates to say about their opponent -- without risking widespread press condemnation and voter turnoff. This had more to do with political theater, show trials in totalitarian regimes and the darkest edges of propaganda than it did journalism.
Here's the way it went on the Fox News Channel Wednesday after Hannity brought up Obama's past relationship with 1960s radical William Ayers, and then characterized it as on-going with this bit of innuendo: "You know they sat on multiple boards together. We know they've given speeches together. We know there's been sort of a back and forth financially. Ayers contributing to Obama, Obama sort of working some money back through them."
And then Hannity really got down to business.
HANNITY: "... And I guess my question is, should the American people be concerned that he’s (Obama) capable in a post-9/11 world of fighting terrorism, when he is friends with an unrepentant terrorist?"
MCCAIN: "Well, I think that's also part of the judgment the American people make. But first, I think we ought to have a full and complete examination of the relationship. And then the American people can make a judgment. And so far, I think it's very clear that he was a lot more than just a guy in the neighbor (sic)."
HANNITY: "You think this needs to be asked more in your next debate? Do you think it should have — because a lot of us in the media are sitting back thinking... that this is something that needs to be vetted out."
MCCAIN: "Well I hope it's vetted out, if it needs to be vetted out. And I think the American people understand whether Senator Obama has been truthful and candid about his entire relationship with Mr. Ayers, and with others very frankly."
HANNITY: "Let's talk about others."
MCCAIN: "Including the ACORN organization."
HANNITY: "Well, we've got — this is now part of a larger narrative that's emerging. And the Obama campaign seems very, very defensive about this. They don't want any questions, how dare you ask, this is unfair. But he's friends with Father Pfleger, a radical — fairly radical figure in Chicago, Tony Rezko, a convicted slumlord, we have him on tape. And we know that he spent 20 years in the pews of Reverend Wright, who has said the most outrageous things, including G.D. America and ‘America's chickens have come home to roost’ after 9/11. What does that tell you, Governor, about Senator Obama and his radical associations?"
PALIN: "It goes right back again to the candidate's judgment and who he chooses to associate himself with in the past, perhaps the present. It makes me question who he would associate himself with in the future."
HANNITY: "Yes. And we should — Americans should be concerned about it."
PALIN: "I'm concerned about it."
And on it goes, McCain and Palin acting statesmanlike, while Hannity, sounding like their deputy minister of propaganda, does the dirty work of slander and innuendo.
We have seen this before with the journalists who served the Red-baiting, Senator Joseph McCarthy in the 1950s as he tried to destroy the careers of any who dared oppose him.
Just as McCarthy was ultimately censured by his colleagues in the Senate, many of those journalists ended their careers in shame.
Hannity this week, reportedly signed a new contract that will keep in a starring role at Fox through 2012.
Yard Signs for Obama

When I first noticed the huge McCain-Palin sign, my first thought was, "Great. I get to pass this every day on the way to work."
Couple of days later, nothing was left of the sign but the frame.
The sign had vanished.
The word is both McCain and Obama signs have a short shelf life. Up one minute, gone the next.
Priced at over $100, ticked off supporters have resorted to undercover surveillance, as I soon discovered on the drive to work a couple of weeks later.
The McCain-Palin sign was back again, only this time studded to the frame with a series of carpenter screws that a Cat 5 hurricane couldn't rip through. At the bottom corner of both sides of the sign, I noticed what appeared to be a note of some kind.
So I pulled over, got out of my car and took a look.
You're on web cam.
The theft of this sign has been reported to the police, who are now patrolling this area.
You steal this sign, I'll hunt you down like a dog.
OK then.
I myself resorted to less threatening methods to protect my support of Obama.
Instead of a posting one of the $8 yard signs that was certain to disappear with a quick tug and run, I stuck an Obama bumper sticker on the post of my mailbox as sort of an experiment really, to see how long my display of free speech would remain untouched.
Remember that old television commercial? It's not nice to fool Mother Nature?
Anyone who plans a rip off of my staked claim is in for one big environmentally-conscious surprise.
Say hello to the Hornet family, who just happen to call the crevice between the underside of the box and the top of the post home.
These aren't just any hornets.
These are Hornets for Obama, Stinging for Change.
How to Carve a Pumpkin
Literary Rules
And don’t start a sentence with a conjunction.
It is wrong to ever split an infinitive.
Avoid clichés like the plague. (They’re old hat)
Also, always avoid annoying alliteration.
Be more or less specific.
Remarks in brackets (however relevant) are (usually) (but not always) unnecessary.
Also too, never, ever use repetitive redundancies.
No sentence fragments.
Contractions aren’t necessary and shouldn’t be used.
Foreign words and phrases are not apropos.
Do not be redundant; do not use more words than necessary; it’s highly superfluous.
One should NEVER generalize.
Comparisons are as bad as clichés.
Don’t use no double negatives.
Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc.
One-word sentences? Eliminate.
Analogies in writing are like feathers on a snake.
The passive voice is to be ignored.
Eliminate commas, that are, not necessary. Parenthetical words however should be enclosed in commas.
Never use a big word when a diminutive one would suffice.
Kill all exclamation points!!!
Use words correctly, irregardless of how others use them.
Understatement is always the absolute best way to put forth earth shaking ideas.
Use the apostrophe in it’s proper place and omit it when its not needed.
Eliminate quotations. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “I hate quotations. Tell me what you know.”
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a thousand times: Resist hyperbole; not one writer in a million can use it correctly.
Puns are for children, not groan readers.
Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.
Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.
Who needs rhetorical questions?
Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
The Judge and the Lobbyist?
I finally figured out why we are still waiting for a ruling out of Miami regarding the sex offender residency restrictions challenge filed by the public defender's office.
A trial on the issue had been scheduled for August with Judge Edward Newman presiding and Judges Sam Slom, Beth Bloom, Jose Fernandez, Mary Jo Francis, Maria Ortiz, Louis Krieger-Martin, Norma Lindsey, and Antonio Arzola all attending.
One of these judges is running for reelection.

That would be Antonio Arzola.
The rumor coming out of Miami is the ruling could be adverse. But as time goes on without a word, I'm beginning to wonder adverse for who?
Adverse to Arzola in the form of bad press should the ruling be against the county?
Is it possible the judges are holding off until the Election before tossing out the county ordinance?
Another funny--not so much ha ha, but flat incredulous....during my research of Antonio Arzola, I found the judge listed as an University of Miami School of Law Donor, Class of 1995.
Also listed as a donor?
Lobbyist Ron Book, Donor Robert L. Waters Endowed Scholarship Fund (page 29).
The same Ron Book who spoke before the judges during the preliminary hearing last June held on this same issue.
The same Ron Book chosen to chair the Community Affairs Affordable Housing Alliance. CASHA is the primary voice that Miami-Dade county commissioners will take direction from as they consider how to spend millions of dollars in funding for low and affordable housing to citizens of low to moderate income.
That would be the same county commission that listened to Mr. Book and as a result, implemented a residency restriction ordinance that all but banishes persons designated as sex offenders out of Miami.
Any one else starting to see a bit of a pattern here?
The blue screen challenge winner
Old - but good. I thought every media manager with a six figure salary knew what a blue screen was.
Hallelujah Florida

I've been walking around all day with this goofy looking grin on my face.
It started last night when I laughed my tail off upon learning that John McCain plans to fund his health care plan by cutting Medicaid and Medicare by $1.3 trillion.
Yeah. That ought to go over well in Florida. Beginning with Broward County.
In fact, I can just bet all those senior citizens still sore over Hillary are opening their doors wide these days to feet on the street Condo Commandos for Obama.
As today passed by and I felt the corners of my mouth tug up into sheer disbelief that the GOP candidate would keep his "budget neutral" by jerking around those who need the benefits the most, I had to remind myself that my levity wasn't only about John McCain shooting himself in the foot.
My fellow Floridians.
Florida is going blue.
Can't you just feel it?
After all eight years plus of governing by one slimeball Bush (JEB) or the other (George) we're taking our state back.
For us long timers who love this land, it's been a long time coming.
And what could be better than that?
Well... how about we're painting the country all kind of blue as well?
Across-the-Board is back! (don't call it a come back)
Alpha-Bits are Back

Apparently Alpha-Bits are "new." What in the world was I eating when I was a kid over 20 years ago?
I got to thinking about all the things that appear "new" to this new generation of the world: Transformers, My Little Pony, Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, etc. Instead of being new, they are regurgitated back into newer forms and labeled as "new" instead of "the return of 80's stuff" (or something more eloquent).
Nothing makes me feel quite as old when my kids say, "You mean they had Transformers when you were a kid?"
Eye on Ron Book

Eye on Miami has an eye on lobbyist Ron Book.
As it well should.
But it's not just the Frog and the Eye who've caught on to the fingers-in-every-pie Lobbyist.
Others are also documenting concerns.

(reprinted from Eye on Miami, 8/08)
Apparently, Mr. Book has been chosen to chair the Community Affairs Affordable Housing Alliance. CASHA is the primary voice that Miami-Dade county commissioners will take direction from as they consider how to spend millions of dollars in funding for low and affordable housing to citizens of low to moderate income.
That would be the same county commission that listened to Mr. Book and as a result, implemented a residency restriction ordinance that all but banishes persons designated as sex offenders out of Miami.
Many of those with no other place else to go were forced to call the Julia Tuttle Causeway home.
I doubt those currently camping with a waterfront view can ever expect assistance from CASHA under the leadership of Book, who recently spoke his mind before a panel of six Miami judges, presently considering the constitutionality of blanket residency restrictions.
''Do we want people who have been convicted of sexually deviant behavior to peer out of their bedroom windows out into a parking lot or playground where children congregate?'' asked Miami-Dade Homeless Trust Chairman Ron Book.
Eye of Miami's Genius of Despair sums it up best:
Ron is on too many boards, besides everything else he does, like pushing slots and representing two sides of the same issue with that billboard thing.I'm right there with you, Genius.
The best I can do is “out” lobbyists over and over because they like to snake around in the shadows when it comes to the public.
Keep blasting the sunshine Ron Book's way.
My understanding is several of the commissioners --including Bruno Barreiro who cosponsored the 2,500-foot ordinance--are seeking re-election. Carlos Alvarez, Mayor finds himself on the chopping block as well.
It's your chance to clean up your kitchen, Miami.
Vote them out.