I tell ya.
I'm getting flat out sick of this Casey Anthony story.
Anthony was recently indicted for the first degree murder of her three-year-old daughter Caylee.
No body found, mind you.
Just a lot of junk in the trunk. Literally. Supposed evidence of a "decompositional event".
Translated: smelled like something died in there.
As if the entire case hasn't been Jerry Springer enough, Central Floridians are gabbing big time over the FBI lab report released today, which amounts to a whole lot of CSI conjecture hooey, including the analysis of decompositional odor via air samples.
Yeah, something smells in Orlando alright.
The scent of state attorney Lawson Lamar running for reelection in the style of overzealous Mike Nifong of Duke University fame.
Anthony's attorney Jose Baez:
"I understand there is an election going on, and I understand that those days are numbered, and I understand that Casey Anthony is public enemy No.1 and that the State Attorney's Office and the sheriff's department are under a great deal of pressure to close this case. I don't think Lawson Lamar would, and I certainly hope Lawson Lamar would not, utilize a missing child to keep his job."
I'm praying this kid is found alive. For a whole lot of reasons.