I've been walking around all day with this goofy looking grin on my face.
It started last night when I laughed my tail off upon learning that John McCain plans to fund his health care plan by cutting Medicaid and Medicare by $1.3 trillion.
Yeah. That ought to go over well in Florida. Beginning with Broward County.
In fact, I can just bet all those senior citizens still sore over Hillary are opening their doors wide these days to feet on the street Condo Commandos for Obama.
As today passed by and I felt the corners of my mouth tug up into sheer disbelief that the GOP candidate would keep his "budget neutral" by jerking around those who need the benefits the most, I had to remind myself that my levity wasn't only about John McCain shooting himself in the foot.
My fellow Floridians.
Florida is going blue.
Can't you just feel it?
After all eight years plus of governing by one slimeball Bush (JEB) or the other (George) we're taking our state back.
For us long timers who love this land, it's been a long time coming.
And what could be better than that?
Well... how about we're painting the country all kind of blue as well?