Eye on Miami has an eye on lobbyist Ron Book.
As it well should.
But it's not just the Frog and the Eye who've caught on to the fingers-in-every-pie Lobbyist.
Others are also documenting concerns.

(reprinted from Eye on Miami, 8/08)
Apparently, Mr. Book has been chosen to chair the Community Affairs Affordable Housing Alliance. CASHA is the primary voice that Miami-Dade county commissioners will take direction from as they consider how to spend millions of dollars in funding for low and affordable housing to citizens of low to moderate income.
That would be the same county commission that listened to Mr. Book and as a result, implemented a residency restriction ordinance that all but banishes persons designated as sex offenders out of Miami.
Many of those with no other place else to go were forced to call the Julia Tuttle Causeway home.
I doubt those currently camping with a waterfront view can ever expect assistance from CASHA under the leadership of Book, who recently spoke his mind before a panel of six Miami judges, presently considering the constitutionality of blanket residency restrictions.
''Do we want people who have been convicted of sexually deviant behavior to peer out of their bedroom windows out into a parking lot or playground where children congregate?'' asked Miami-Dade Homeless Trust Chairman Ron Book.
Eye of Miami's Genius of Despair sums it up best:
Ron is on too many boards, besides everything else he does, like pushing slots and representing two sides of the same issue with that billboard thing.I'm right there with you, Genius.
The best I can do is “out” lobbyists over and over because they like to snake around in the shadows when it comes to the public.
Keep blasting the sunshine Ron Book's way.
My understanding is several of the commissioners --including Bruno Barreiro who cosponsored the 2,500-foot ordinance--are seeking re-election. Carlos Alvarez, Mayor finds himself on the chopping block as well.
It's your chance to clean up your kitchen, Miami.
Vote them out.