Whole lotta bull went on during the Clinton campaign.
Like Hillary's inability to crack the whip and make the hard decisions.
Recently released memos from her campaign depict the Senator from New York as an indecisive leader.
That's hard to believe, but...
...reportedly, there was a whole lot of Bill going on.
Bill wanted to attack Obama forcefully. Bill regularly locked horns with chief strategist Mark Penn.
Bill approved the 3 AM in the morning ad.
Anyone see a red flag waving here?
Bill would've been right back in the White House as co-President.
Brushes with near misses like this only solidify my belief that definitely, there is a God.
And God only knows what bull Bill will spill at the Democratic convention.
What I do know is my friends over at FPC will be in attendance.
At last count, the Florida Progressive Coalition needed only 32 more small donors to give from the heart to help send a team of 6 great people to Denver to represent us.
Five, ten, twenty-five dollars--whatever you can give--will help ensure that no one stays home and everyone on the team will live blog progressive-style from the party Florida wasn't expected to attend.
And that's no bull.
Donations can remain anonymous or pseudonymous.
For more information, read here.