Women know when a man loves a woman.
We know when he's all about her.
When John Kerry embraced wife, Teresa at the conclusion of his 2004 acceptance speech, the heat off those two nearly lit my television afire. This was no Al Gore mash. This was one hot couple.
What stood in stark contrast were John and Elizabeth Edwards.
With the Kerry's still locked in a very private moment in a very public place, Edwards shared a compulsory hug with his wife before breaking free, soaking up the moment on his own, barely acknowledging his wife.
That night, the thought flitted through my mind before the couple's body language registered in my mind's eye. That guy's a player.
When Edwards confirmed today that he did indeed cheat on his wonderful wife and had then, had the cohones to blame his choice to do so on narcissism, another thought crossed my mind.
You suck, John. Really suck.
Go away.
Fast forward the video to 49 minutes to view the candidates and their wives at the 2004 Democratic convention.