CNN News was predictably silent Friday night as the news spread far and wide that their dream girl Nancy Grace must still face a lawsuit claiming she pushed the mother of a missing toddler to suicide through aggressive questioning.
CNN and Grace offered the court the old "protect the children" argument, indicating the wrongful death lawsuit brought by Melinda Duckett's family would "severely chill" journalists' coverage of missing-person cases.
But a Florida federal judge wasn't buying it. Motion to dismiss the suit? Denied.
Duckett was on Grace's show after her son Trenton disappeared from her apartment in August 2006.
Grace grilled the woman, accusing her of giving vague answers and of hiding something.
The 21-year old fatally shot herself before the network aired the tape of the interview, taking vital information regarding her missing son with her to the grave. Duckett family attorney Jay Paul Deratany had this to say about Grace: "If Melinda had any information, Nancy Grace stopped the investigation in its track."
Might as well shuffle the twins off to a full-time nanny, Nancy. You can't hide behind them any longer.
As for the rest of you so-called television journalists--who I prefer to call litigator entertainers--best take a long hard look at what's coming down the legal pike. Your paparazzi of a profession is about to be cleaned up once this babe is found liable.