Reads like a bad joke, doesn't it? But unfortunately, 600,000 American citizens don't find much funny about the collusion between these three.
Welcome an Anonymous American to Smashed Frog.
Hear his words.

Hello, I'm a Registered Sex Offender.
Huh? No, no, not that kind.
THAT'S right - that one. The one John Walsh fucked over so he could feel better about himself, since he was such a crap parent?
No, not the same one that killed poor little girl Megan - whose parent's attempted to convince the U.K. that Megan's law was useful - and bombed at it, because even though the U.K. is a bit of a surveillance state, they still know what human rights are.
OK, ok, so then who am I?
I'm the RSO that Congress and each state can always count on to get money for whatever their pet projects are - to "protect the children."
Actually, they keep calling us "perverts, sickos," etc. but honestly, without Us, they'd be screwed (no pun intended)!!
Where would Foley or Walsh be without the stereotypical "boogeyman"? They'd be poor and without any damn job - that, or they'd be rich and actually try to solve some of the countries real problems.
So America, I'll make this short and sweet - where the FUCK did you go? Honestly, it's like driving through a sandstorm, I hear ya, but can't see a damn thing.
Is it money? Ya want money? I'm sure there's a bunch of loaded S.O.'s out there or they bought their way out of it.
Is it because you think we all want to hide in bushes? Who the hell has the time for that? Sitting in a bush all day?
C'mon, get real. Is it.... because you realized you're SO much more fucked up then anyone on any registry that you need to blame SOMEONE for all this mess?
Those damn Arabs - I knew those pedo's would get us into trouble with them.
The economy, man!! If we just could get rid of those child lovers.
Ameri - HEY, America!! Come back, one more thing:
I read this somewhere but it sums most of this whole Adam Walsh Act, Mark Foley situation, John Walsh being such a prick, Orrin Hatch having a GPS around his balls: WHAT PART OF EX POSTO FACTO DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?
Believe me, I LOVE YOU, but, are you OK? You're in REAL bad shape these days... it's OK to think about the children, of course, we all want the next generation to be better - just don't
forget about this one, cuz Karma's a BITCH.
See ya in 2009. Hope you cleaned up by then.
--Mark Foley remains under investigation by the Florida Department of Education for alleged solicitation of e-mails and sexually explicit instant messages to teenage boys who served as Congressional pages. At this writing, Mr. Foley retains $1.2 million in his campaign account. He has spent several hundred thousand dollars from the account on legal fees.
--The sex-offender registry portion of the Adam Walsh Act has been ruled unconstitutional by Federal judge Gregory Presnell in Orlando, FL on April 18, 2008.
Judge Presnell handed down United States v. Powers, The court held that there was no rational relationship between the regulation of interstate commerce under the Commerce Clause powers of Congress and the ostensible federal interest in registering offenders convicted of state sex crimes. Translated: A state concern (sex offender registration) cannot be transformed into a federal crime. Read the opinion here.
U.S. District Judge Donald W. Molloy ruled the same June 2008 in Montana, stating Congress "exceeded its authority under the Interstate Commerce Clause by making it a federal crime for a sex offender to travel to another state and fail to re-register in that jurisdiction." Read more over at Sentencing Law and Policy.
--John Walsh continues to profit off his victimization as host of America's Most Wanted. His lawsuit against Sears after the tragic kidnapping and murder of his son Adam was dropped after attorneys representing the retail giant argued that Adam's abduction was caused by the "negligence of the mother."
John and Reve Walsh later dropped their lawsuit with the promise of no further legal action. (A Child's Tragedy, A Parent's Character, Steven J. Milloy, CNSNews, 2000).
--Senator Orrin Hatch took a bit of heat off his involvement with TrackerPal after he shepherded the Adam Walsh Act through Congress the summer of 2006. The bill included minimum requirements for ankle monitors taken "verbatim from a description" of Secure Alert's product, TrackerPAL.
--Secure Alert was awarded a U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) contract.
--600,000 Americans remain ostracized by their countrymen. Family members standing in support of their loved one--wives, children, parents--all private citizens--suffer the collateral damage of these laws every single day.