The Reps are supposedly concerned with a conflict in news coverage. Oh sure, there's the threat to people and property thang, but in the eyes of the elephants....
...Nothing like a good storm to divert the attention of the American viewing public away from their political cotillion. And that's just not fair, considering the Democrats got their week in the sun.
The Reps are so transparent.
Gustav approaches three years to the day that New Orleans finds itself--once again--directly in the path of a major hurricane.
The rescheduling of the entire Republican convention would prove much more cost effective than the ultimate cost should this Katrina photo resurface during the week of their political shindig.

This unforgettable image associated with a city drowning before George W. Bush's eyes as he flew above it all-- could--would--cost the GOP the election.
Our thoughts are with the residents of New Orleans and southeast Gulf Coasters as once again, they brave the storm.