Katherine Harris Lives

And you thought we'd heard the last of Katherine Harris.

As reported by The Raw Story:

Five other members of Congress are being probed in association with the bribery scandal linked to former California Republican congressman "Duke" Cunningham, according to a little-noticed legal filing discovered Thursday.

Guess who is one of the five?

Though none of the additional congressmembers are named, (author Seth) Hettena believes they are "no doubt" Republican Reps. Virgil Goode and Katherine Harris. Harris became famous during the Florida recount in 2000, was elected to Congress in 2002, and was defeated in a run for the Senate in 2006. Goode represents Virginia and was narrowly defeated in November.

Harris may be the member of Congress who underreported campaign contributions. Wade took Harris to dinner at the posh French Georgetown restaurant Michel Richard Citronelle the year before her electoral defeat which cost $2,800, according to Harris' former political strategist Ed Rollins; members of Congress are supposed to report any gifts larger than $50.

Citronelle's fixed priced menu costs $155 alone. With "wine pairings," a meal is $230.


The 42-page sentencing memo was published online by Seth Hettena, an author who has published a book on Cunningham. It was made by the attorney for Mitchell Wade, the former defense contractor who pleaded guilty to bribing Cunningham in 2006 who has cooperated with the government in their investigation.

In addition to the five current or former members of Congress, numerous government employees and several private contractors are also under scrutiny.

Enjoy the read.

Watching Those Who Watch Sex Offenders

Back to the Fear Card...

We've talked about the money made off the sex offender issue, specifically Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and his cozy ankle bracelet tête-à-tête out in Utah.

But what about the Offender Watch system? Described as "the nation's leading sex offender management and community notification tool... (which) provides the most accurate and timely information...", the online tool is anything but accurate.

This is the very same system that this Florida Frog cited as negligent in listing misrepresentations of public records--specifically regarding the incorrect legal description of criminal convictions--with no recourse for correction by the listed.

Until these wrongs are righted--I and my fellow Watchers--will keep an eye on those continue to cash in on human rights.

Read on to hear another Watcher heard from.

Watching Those Who Watch Sex Offenders

Does Watch Systems, Inc. use deceptive statistics to hype danger?

There is money to be made off of sex offenders. Consider Watch Systems, Inc., a Louisiana based company, which sells their Offender Watch system to counties and sheriffs' departments all over the United States. Their service makes it possible for local residents to see information on sex offenders in their area on local web sites such as that of the county sheriff. Residents also may sign up for e-mail alerts when a registered sex offender moves into their area. Counties pay several thousand dollars for this service. Often this is covered by a grant for the initial year with the county picking up the cost in subsequent years.

It should be of no surprise that fear plays a part in their sales approach. Their web site reminds government entities that they should be afraid of their citizens: “The public has zero tolerance for law enforcement who minimally comply with sex offender laws. How would the public grade your office on sex offender address verification, registration and community notification?”

They also fan the fears of the public. Their online presentation which is incorporated into all their local web sites contains this statement: 50% of sex offenders re-offend." This statement is puzzling, to say the least. It is at variance with the largest study of sex offender recidivism ever done in the United States, a 2003 U.S. Department of Justice report--Recidivism of Sex Offenders Released from Prison in 1994. Its findings: “In 1994, prisons in 15 States released 9,691 male sex offenders. The 9,691 men are two-thirds of all the male sex offenders released from State prisons in the United States in 1994. This report summarizes findings from a survey that tracked the 9,691 for 3 full years after their release… Within the first 3 years following their release from prison in 1994, 5.3% (517 of the 9,691) of released sex offenders were rearrested for a sex crime… Of the 9,691 released sex offenders, 3.5% (339 of the 9,691) were reconvicted for a sex crime within the 3-year followup period.

I e-mailed Watch Systems and asked them for the source of their 50% recidivism figure. I received this response from Mark A. Wilson, their Vice President of Marketing: “…we are not trying by any means to exaggerate the recidivism statistics nor to create hysteria – the numbers we use are widely reported in various channels and media and by various experts in the field. They are based in part on this and other studies from the Dept of Justice http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/pub/pdf/soo.pdf "

The source of their information was Sex Offenses and Offenders; An Analysis of Data on Rape and Sexual Assault by Lawrence A. Greenfeld, Statistician, Bureau of Justice Statistic, February 1997. It is important to note that this study is ten years older than the Department of Justice study referenced above. When one looks at the details of the study, one finds that Watch Systems' use of the statistics contained therein is questionable, at best. Here are some direct quotations from the report:

Offenders convicted of rape and sexual assault composed just over 4% of those discharged from prisons in the 11 States in 1983. Over the 3-year period following prison release, an estimated 52% of discharged rapists and 48% of discharged sexual assaulters were re-arrested for a new crime. Their criminal history records also evidenced a lower percentage of sex offenders who were reconvicted and reimprisoned during the followup period than was the case for all violent offenders discharged from prison...

Nearly 28% of released rapists were re-arrested for a new violent crime within 3 years (figure 27). For nearly 8% of released rapists, the new arrest for a violent crime was another charge for rape. (p. 26)

Note that the study states clearly that violent sex offenders have a lower recidivism rate than other offenders. If one does the math, the study reports that only 2.24% of rapists are returned to prison for committing another rape. (8% of 28%)

The statement by Watch Systems, Inc. that "50% of sex offenders re-offend," clearly implies that 50% of registered sex offenders commit new sex crimes. This statement is clearly deceptive and does raise unwarranted hysteria about sex offenders.

New York regularly publishes 3 year follow-ups of all those released from state prisons. Between 1985 and 2002 a total of 12,863 sex offenders were released. Only 272 of these (2.1%) were returned to prison for new sex crimes within three years of their release. (2002 Releases: Three Year Post Release Follow-up, State of New York Department of Correctional Services, p. 16)

A recently published study was done of 19,827 offenders on the New York State Sex Offender Registry on March 31, 2005 (including those sentenced to probation (41%) or local jails. It found that the re-arrest rate for a new sex crime within 8 years of the date of first registration was 8%. The study also found that "sex offenders are arrested and/or convicted of committing a new sex crime at a lower rate than other offenders who commit other new non-sexual crimes." (Research Bulletin: Sex Offender Populations, Recidivism and Actuarial Assessment, New York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives, May, 2007, p. 3-4). (Read a detailed analysis of sex offender recidivism in New York State)

Watch Systems’ online presentation also states: “More than half of rape/sexual assault incidents happened within a mile of the victim’s home.” This statement is contained in the Department of Justice report. Of course, the report also states that almost 40% of the assaults occur in the victim's home. This is obviously because a large number of these offenses occur within the family. The determining factor in these crimes is usually not geography, but relationships.

While a sex offender registry has its place as one tool among many, its worth should not be over emphasized. The face of danger is more likely to be in a family snapshot than in a mug shot on a sex offender registry. The vast majority of sex crimes are committed by someone not listed on a sex offender registry. The vast majority of registered sex offenders never commit another sex crime.

A Thanksgiving Promise

"The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish."

Charlie Chaplin

Happy Thanksgiving.

Lori Drew AKA Josh: Convicted

Lori Drew and her daughter, Sarah

"You’re the kind of boy a girl would kill herself over.”

That was the last email Megan Meier ever sent to "Josh".

Later that day, she hanged herself.

A federal jury convicted Lori Drew, 49 of three misdemeanor charges of computer fraud for her involvement in creating a phony account on MySpace to trick the teen.

No computer crime. No second degree manslaughter. Megan Meier is dead and the harasser is convicted of computer fraud.

The purpose of the hoax, several witnesses testified, was to use Megan’s e-mail exchanges with "Josh" to humiliate Megan in retribution for her unkind acts toward Sarah. But the jury appeared to reject the idea that there was malicious intent behind the e-mail messages, which is required for a felony conviction.

The trial was an unusual use of computer fraud statutes prohibiting accessing a computer without authorization through interstate commerce to obtain information to inflict emotional distress. Local prosecutors in Missouri declined to bring charges. But Thomas O’Brien, the United States attorney here, asserted jurisdiction on the theory that MySpace is based in Los Angeles, where its servers are housed.

Drew faces up to three years in prison and $300,000 in fines, according to federal sentencing guidelines. The jury rejected felony charges against Ms. Drew, and was deadlocked on a conspiracy count. Judge George Wu declared a mistrial on that charge.

Interesting. As I asked back in May, isn't fraudulent access exactly how law enforcement gains access to conduct online sting operations? Isn't conspiracy exactly what is going on through the enlistment of online sleuths such as Perverted Justice, those who pretend to be someone other than themselves, all in the name of protecting the children?

Drew's attorney, H. Dean Steward accused the government of engaging in a misguided prosecution that was meant to exact revenge for the tragic death of a pretty young girl, even though Drew was not charged with her killing

Yeah, I'd say there's a whole lot of government avenging going on when kids end up dead at the hands of some jerk. Meanwhile, in the aftermath, lawmakers always find some way to gain votes off the kid's death, i.e. the passage of yet another Child Named Law.

I give it a year before someone pitches a Megan's Law to the Missouri legislature.
Ooops. No can do. Already have a child protection law with that name on it.

I don't think Lori has too much to worry about. I'd say if the ultimate helicopter mom ever does jail time, once released, she'll have a fat job waiting for her as a cyber cop.

She'll do a fine job luring some poor schlub into paying the piper for the murder of Jessica Lunsford.

In fact, why not sign Drew up right now? Call it community service.

To sum up:

Real kid dead: misdemeanor
Fake kid solicitation: felony

Read more about the whole sordid affair here.

Happy friggin' Thanksgiving.

For our kilt wearing crowd

Here's a stool designed to hold your butt, and your johnson.

Media Fabricates Fear

I promised you my insights on Chapter 3 of Barry Glassner's book, The Culture of Fear, but ran across his 2003 online interview....which sums up the use of children by politicians quite nicely.

It's lengthy...but worth the read.

An Interview with Barry Glassner
William Ryan

MICHAEL MOORE used Barry Glassner's book The Culture of Fear (2000) as research for the Oscar-winning documentary Bowling for Columbine. The film’s telling comparison of Windsor, Canada, and Detroit, two demographically similar and neighboring cities with dramatically different crime statistics, is based on Glassner’s research.

His other books include Our Studies, Ourselves (2003 with Rosanna Hertz), Career Crash (1994), and The Gospel of Food (in progress). His articles have appeared in American Sociological Review, Social Problems, American Journal of Psychiatry, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, among other journals. His honors include University of Southern California Associates Award for Creativity in Research; Fellow, Los Angeles Institute for the Humanities; author of a book (The Culture of Fear) on "Best Books of the Year" lists: Los Angeles Times and Philadelphia Inquirer.

The Culture of Fear explores a relationship between societal ills––crime, anxiety disorders, alienation, etc.––and the accumulation of fears, both real justifiable fears and unjustifiable fears fabricated by media. His research reveals a curious cultural mechanism that perpetuates fabricated fears while the causes of real fears go uncorrected.
This telephone conversation took place on May 21, 2003.

William Ryan: I thought we’d start by seeing if we’re both on the same page regarding one of the primary hypotheses of your book, The Culture of Fear, and please excuse the over-simplification for the sake of some kind of orientation to this interview. My understanding of it goes something like this:

Largely due to profit-driven, TV news programming and therefore the need to market news in a way that attracts advertisers, we constantly view a representation of our society that is not only inaccurate but causes us unnecessary fear, including fear of each other. So as TV news inundates us with various unjustifiable fears, we feel unnecessarily and generally threatened. For example, as crime actually decreases, our perception—based on TV coverage—is that crime is increasing. In the book you provide a wide variety of examples. We might feel threatened by bacteria, or medicines we’re taking, or black males, or angry drivers, or child abductors, or cyber-smut, and so forth. There’s a long list. Is this a fair place to begin?

Barry Glassner: Yes, I think it certainly is fair to say that Americans for the most part live in a televisual environment. I would suggest that there are three major sources for fear-mongering in the US, and the news media is one of those. Among the news media, in my view, television news is the worst offender. And in particular local TV news is the worst of the worst. The motto truly is “If it bleeds, it leads.” As you watch local TV news pretty much any day in any city in the US, you’ll get the impression that crime is out of control, that there are dangers awaiting you everywhere you turn, and from everyone you see.

Network TV news is only a little better, and I think the reason is in both cases the perceptions by the producers that success in the ratings depends on keeping people anxious so that they’ll continue to tune in. Now, having said that, I don’t want to let the print media off the hook—in particular, newsmagazines are very prone to fear-mongering. Recently, for example, the covers of Time, US News, and Newsweek had virtually identical covers. The word SARS was in huge letters, and it was written on a hospital mask on a person’s face, and that filled the entire cover. Some of the headlines in the stories in those magazines made it sound as if SARS were going to wipe out the planet. Some of the articles were more levelheaded than others, but certainly the covers were all terrifying. This was about something for which at that point there had not been a single death in the U.S., and the number of deaths worldwide was miniscule compared to major killers like diarrheal diseases, AIDS, and so forth.

W.R.: Now we have Mad Cow coming, according to today's news.

B.G.: (Chuckles) Coming back again, right.

W.R.: In a broad sense, I was thinking that no matter what we produce, whether it’s a news program, or a lecture for the classroom, or a book, or movie, or a web site, or a billboard, or a literary journal, we seem to try to package it in a provocative way in an effort to capture the attention of the audience. We seek a provocative image or article—or a provocative interview—so in a way maybe we’ve all learned about the hook from advertisers. It occurred to me this morning that the paperback of your book, The Culture of Fear, is packaged in dramatic black, with the word FEAR in caps, in caution-orange, in oversized font. That leads me to the question—is the fear-mongering you analyzed in the book intrinsic to a society dependent on consumerism? And, therefore, is it something we must learn to live with, rather than try to remedy or change in any way? If so, what besides reading your book can we do to help ourselves live with it?

B.G.: Right. Let me say first that in the new printing of the book the publisher changed the orange to red, so I don’t know if that indicates even greater danger (chuckles).

W.R.: We might have to look at the terror-meter.

B.G.: It certainly is the case that any product in the U.S. and in most other parts of the world will need to grab the audience’s attention. When you mention a professor’s lecture—and I think you raised a good point of comparison, and that I’ve thought a lot about because I’m a college teacher—it seems to me that what local TV news does is often the equivalent of a professor’s gearing his or her syllabus around popular violent movies that have a substantial number of attractive young actors without their clothes on. If I gear my course that way, I’ll probably get a higher enrollment and better attendance. But it’s probably not a responsible thing to do unless I teach a course on action films with nudity. The local TV news producer who chooses to chase police cars is making a choice that is probably going to pay off in ratings, but that fact alone does not justify the choice. As a college professor, my job is to make the material that many eighteen-year-olds find boring interesting. Or at least to give them reason to be interested in it. The news producer’s job is not terribly different from that. If they are doing a good job, they are informing the public about the key issues that affect a lot of people and have significance for the future. And if I’m teaching my course well, I’m bringing them the best material available and helping them to understand it, or I’m helping them understand approaches to reading texts, or to conducting an experiment. In the case of the TV news producer, that means finding ways to tell compelling stories about the real problems, dangers, and issues in the community and the larger world. Doing that may not be as easy as following the police car and watching the police officer throw someone against the car, or what’s very common these days, flying a helicopter and watching the police chase. But it’s the task they will undertake if they are doing their jobs.
An example that comes to my mind is the cost of health care insurance. In the past few years, 70 million Americans have been without insurance at one time or another. You compare that to the number of murder victims, or SARS victims, or victims of shark attacks or any of the other dangers that the TV news blows out of proportion, and it’s quite a difference. So it seems to me the question that needs to be asked is, “Can a TV news outlet compete in the marketplace while telling stories about health care crises?” And it seems to me that the answer to that is obviously yes. These stories are very dramatic. They involve real people, they can be very emotional, they can be personalized, they can be put together by chasing ambulances instead of police cars, or by stationing reporters at emergency rooms.

But you seldom see those stories. And that suggests to me that part of the problem here is that television news media has become addicted to its own reporting habits. And that they’re not very helpful habits.

W.R.: Thinking about eighteen-year-olds in the classroom…. It seems to me that reading The Culture of Fear is a step toward understanding fear-mongering as a sales strategy and gaining objectivity on the process. Is an objective analytical perspective of TV news or of TV in general more difficult for recent generations, since media-generated perspectives of society have become ubiquitous and in some ways for some people inseparable from reality?

B.G.: When I’ve looked at studies of who is most affected adversely by TV news, it would appear to be the elderly, not the younger generation. Part of the reason for that is that a substantial number of older people spend many hours watching the television news, considerably more time than college students that are not flunking out.

W.R.: Are there special kinds of impediments that young people face in trying to understand the effect of media on their lives?

B.G.: Yeah, I think it is true that the younger a person is the more likely he or she is to take for granted what some scholars call the “televisual environment.” It’s just a part of the natural world. In that sense it’s harder to have a separation. But the flip side of that coin is that younger people tend to be more skeptical and cynical about what they’re seeing on television. They don’t tend to take the reports as literally as older people do.

So I think there are two forces operating there that result in a kind of cynical acceptance that I think is not particularly helpful for citizenship, and is somewhat distinctive for that generation.

W.R.: In the Age of Information, some of the information out there is about us, about our private lives, about what we buy, where we buy it, what web sites we frequent, what kind of car we drive…. There’s software that scans for flagged words in our e-mail, our electronic correspondences are available to our employers in some cases, there’s a copy of our web behavior on the server, the FBI can find out what books we order online, to say the least. According to Freud we have a fundamental fear of being exposed in public. He thought that our dreams of public nudity related to this broader kind of fear of social exposure. As someone who has studied this, how do you rank the fear of public exposure among the context of the abundance of fears, especially as it might relate to cyberspace, digital technology, and so forth?

B.G.: I think you put your finger on one of the prominent sources of that fear, and I think what needs to be said about it, among other things, is that it’s a confusion of realms.
The kind of information-gathering that you’re describing is actually private exposure, not public exposure. People collecting for the organizations, and the machines collecting for those organizations, almost without exception have no interest in releasing it publicly. On the contrary, they want to use it for their own political and economic purposes. So, the comparison that comes to my mind here is the old stories, which may or may not be accurate, of people who are afraid to have their pictures taken because they’ve never seen a camera and they think it will take their souls. And when I hear some of the concerns about what becomes of our personal information, it seems pretty much the same to me as that kind of concern. I say that specifically because, again, it’s about a relatively new and relatively unfamiliar technology. If the FBI wanted to find out what I was reading twenty years ago, they were able to do that.

W.R.: Right, but is it considerably easier now?

B.G.: This notion that they can do it more efficiently now I would question. I have many more places now that I can get my reading material than I could back then. So for every gain in online buying, or access to my online files, they lose with the addition of other options.
I don’t mean to minimize the importance of privacy, but again it seems to me, as with many of the instances that I’ve researched, underlying that fear is a fear of technology. That came through particularly clearly for me in the near-hysteria a few years ago over cyber-porn and how that was going to destroy young people. Almost from the very beginning when the material started appearing online, parents had quite convenient ways of blocking it on their children’s computers. Paradoxically, more recently, it has become more difficult to block than it was during the period of the hysteria.

W.R.: Why is it more difficult now?

B.G.: At least two reasons. One is that adolescents and even children in recent years have become much more adept at undermining the blocking software; and secondly, because the volume of material is such that it is harder for the programs to do their job. Now having said that, I want to emphasize that any parent who wants to block this has a very high probability of success if they do a little research into which internet services to subscribe to.

W.R.: I guess that could be a problem in itself. It's probably becoming less and less the case, but a lot of people of parenting age are intimidated, as you've pointed out, by some sort of fear of technology itself and, therefore, don't set up the blocking software.

B.G.: That’s the bigger problem. That’s really the issue. And you know, what I find in a fair number of these cases of fear-mongering with regard to dangers to children—it’s actually the parent’s fear that’s playing itself out. Probably the most unfortunate example of this that I’ve studied is the fear of children’s being kidnapped by strangers, and kept for a long time or killed.

W.R.: And that it will be facilitated somehow through the computer?

B.G.: Yes. One means by which this is supposed to happen is through the computer, and I have written about that in The Culture of Fear. But I wasn’t making that direct connection just now. I was talking about the more general issue of parents’ fears. The parents’ fears come from, obviously, hype in the media, and also from one of the other two sources I was suggesting before, the major categories of fear-mongers. Namely, advocacy organizations.

W.R.: Let's remember to get back to the role of advocacy groups. But, for the moment, what about new developments? Today, the Office of Homeland Security elevated the color-coded terrorism threat-o-meter to "orange," which is supposed to put us on a state of high alert. You did the research for The Culture of Fear and wrote it well before the attack on the Twin Towers. If you were to write an addendum to that book, what would be the focus of a new chapter, considering the effect of 9-11 and how it was covered? What key points would you want to make?

B.G.: After 9-11-01, I tried to pay careful attention to whether the situation had changed in terms of fear-mongering in the media from politicians. And if you recall, at that point, there was a great deal of talk about how “everything changed,” and obviously that wasn’t going to happen. But it did seem reasonable to assume, or reasonable to hypothesize, that fear-mongering about very unlikely dangers of the sort that I wrote about in several chapters in my book would virtually disappear. I mean, how could you continue to devote your newscasts and other public discourse to shark attacks after the World Trade Center attack? And if you recall the summer of 2001, shark attacks were one of the two stories you were likely to hear if you turned on TV news. The other was dangers to interns in Washington, DC, from philandering politicians.

What I found was that immediately following 9-11, that sort of fear-mongering did disappear almost completely from the public discourse. TV newsmagazines and the newsweeklies promptly stopped talking about shark attacks and scary conduct. And likewise, many of the other scares that I wrote about disappeared—like the latest incident of workplace violence didn’t make the news. Attacks in schools didn’t make the news. I think part of the reason for this is clear—thousands of lives were lost in 9-11, and the threat of terrorism seemed pronounced. So even producers of local TV news programs couldn’t really do what they were doing before. But within about three months, what I was finding was—and this continues to be true—the new reporting and political discourse went back pretty much to what it had been before, with the addition of terrorism as another scare.

I don’t want to minimize the gravity and horror of those attacks on 9-11 in any way, but we do need to keep in mind what the relative risk is here. One thing I did was to look at the number of lives that were lost to terrorism in the year 2001—which was the worst year for terrorism worldwide, and it was approximately 3500. The number of lives lost in the U.S. alone to automobile accidents was almost ten times as many that year. So unless terrorists become much more successful at killing people in the U.S., that danger is very remote for most everyone most all the time. And yet, what’s happened in the news coverage now is that dangers from terrorism, many of those dangers being extremely hypothetical, are added to the long list of fears that we’re told about—another set of fears blown out of proportion.
Now, having said that, I do think there has been one change that is very substantial—and to go back to your question per se—that would lead me to a quite substantial addendum to what I wrote about in The Culture of Fear. And that is a change in what I referred to there as the “sick society” narrative.

In that narrative, the villains are domestic, there are basically no heroes, and the story is all about the decline of American civilization. And that narrative is incompatible with a predominant one that has come to the fore since 9-11-01, which is about national unity. In that narrative, the villains are from foreign lands, and America is great. There are many implications for some of the categories of fear-mongering that I wrote about. In particular, the putative dangerousness of certain groups of people domestically and some of their behaviors. For example, in the book I talk about how in the 1990s just about every American male was portrayed as a potential mass murderer. You see much less of that now, since 9-11. It doesn’t fit with the celebration of American society, with the call on young Americans to make wartime sacrifices, with the portrayal of young American males as heroes in the fire department of New York City, and so forth.

And at the same time, a lot of the presumed pathogens in those stories in the 1990s and earlier—stories about youth—just don’t work anymore. According to the current narrative, we’re being attacked by our enemies in part because they don’t approve of our cultural products. So there’s considerably less blame these days—less blaming I should say—of American popular culture than there was before. We can’t be defending it in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere and at the same time claim it’s the worst thing in the world, that it’s destroying our youth. So I do think in that regard there’s been a noteworthy significant change.

W.R.: In the final chapter of The Culture of Fear you allow yourself some reflection on the research. "The fear-mongering stories on TV,” you wrote, "are oblique expressions of concerns about problems that Americans know to be pernicious but have not taken decisive action to quash, problems such as hunger, dilapidated schools, gun proliferation, and deficient healthcare for much of the population." And you go on, "Will it take an event comparable to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor to convince us that we must join together as a nation and tackle these problems? This time we do not have to put our own lives or those of our children at risk on battlefields halfway around the globe."

But we did go to war; we did have a Pearl Harbor of sorts, though that probably isn’t an accurate characterization and might be kind of fear-mongering in itself. But we did join together as a nation, the media told us, after 9-11, but not to tackle problems such as health care or hunger. We seem to have rallied around an administration that, in fact, wants to cut funds for programs that might remedy these kinds of problems, and at the same time run up the public debt. So we’re now spending billions on homeland security, spending money that could be spent on education, health care, and so forth. This seems to be a current illustration of your notion that we turn our attention to mistaken threats at the expense of things that truly threaten a society?
Concerning this issue that's been much talked about lately, the trade off between homeland security and the loss of privacy or in some cases the loss of civil rights or assumed liberties…. There have been efforts to generate legislation under The Patriot Acts that at least potentially seem to provide authorities with the ability to undermine both our privacy and our civil rights. I read an interview with you in which you stated that, "There is a healthy debate about which changes can be made to help discover terrorist activities and plans without sacrificing our cherished freedoms, and there is an inherent paradox, because if we sacrifice civil liberties over the long run, we come to feel less secure because we have sacrificed a key part of what makes America unique and precious, and that we could move to a position that will ultimately increase our level of fear by moving too fast and making changes." So I’m wondering now, as some of this is played out, do you still think there is a healthy debate about this issue? And what has been the progress? Do you think we are now sacrificing unique and precious civil liberties in order to reestablish some sense of security that Americans expect of our society?

B.G.: I think that some of the legislation has done precisely what you’re describing. The debate I was describing in that interview I think is continuing, but I think that much of what has happened in the very recent past has undercut the debate and moved attention away from it. People and organizations concerned with civil liberties have a very big job ahead of them in the coming years if those protections are going to be restored.
In a larger sense, I think your question is really on the issue of unity in the country. And on that matter, what I was wondering about in the final chapter of the book was a scenario that I was in fact hoping would have come about in the past couple of years, that I have been disappointed to find has not come about. While it’s true that the country has been largely united around war efforts, with notable exceptions from vigorous peace movements, that has been pretty much the extent of the national unity.

I’m not a historian, but my understanding of American history is that in other periods this has not tended to be the case. When the country has been united for a common purpose in response to an attack or other clear danger to the nation, the sense of unity has included common sacrifice and the concern for the well-being of U.S citizens more generally. In some periods, at least, programs have come into being that have, for some period of time, improved the lives of substantial numbers of Americans in lower-income groups, the GI Bill being probably the most obvious example. At this time that certainly does not seem to be what’s happening. Instead what seems to be happening is the continuation of what I called in the book “misdirection,” which is a magician’s term. If I want to make a coin disappear from my left hand, I need to get you to look at my right hand for a moment. The dangers from terrorism seem to be used in a large number of cases by politicians and others for the purpose of misdirection away from domestic issues and in particular away from the sorts of problems that I alluded to in that passage from the book that you just read.

W.R.: If we can jump to your appearance in the Michael Moore film, Bowling for Columbine—he says in the film that he’s searching for causes, for the reasons why there is violent crime in extraordinary proportions in the States. No one seems to know. People offer possible reasons—a history of violence, poverty, racial tensions, and so forth. At this point the film cuts back to you, and you make a comment about, essentially, profit motive—that there’s money to be made in the perpetuation of a culture of fear. And we know from reading your book that it’s fear that contributes to violent crime.

One suspects from watching the film that we are to look beyond the mere sales of handguns or ammo or burglar alarms to fully understand the implications of what you’re talking about as profit motive. In the film, for example, there are references to military adventurism or intervention as profit, references to profit from the manufacturing of missiles. In fact, Moore presents a catalogue of U.S. military aggression in Central America, Panama, Chile, and so forth. So I'm wondering—and maybe this isn’t for a scientist to speculate, I don’t know—but in your thinking how are we to understand the relationship between the perpetuation of fear and the profit motive behind it at the most profound levels, in the arena of foreign policy, for example, as it's played out in military actions? In our efforts to understand this as thoroughly as we can, should we go as far as to consider a calculated relationship between the proliferation of fear, profiteering, and something as monumental as a war, or the attack on Iraq? Should we be making these extensions?

B.G.: I think that there are many groups and organizations that live off of the culture of fear. You’ve mentioned some, and there are many others in addition. Advocacy groups, of all sorts, sell memberships by way of fear-mongering. Quacks sell treatments, and lawyers sell class-action lawsuits. Realtors sell homes in gated communities. While we may not want to call it “profit motive” per se, politicians certainly sell themselves to voters that way. They often do it based on fear.... Well, let me back up. Perhaps the most common way they sell themselves is through fear of crime, or fear of foreign enemies. And for quite a while, attracting votes based on fears about foreign enemies was deemed an unwise strategy by political strategists because of the lingering perceptions about the Vietnam War. Nine-11 ended that concern for most, if not all politicians. And so it became safe again to engage in fear-mongering and pursue those votes with a focus on foreign enemies. The approach is the same in either case, however. You can blow out of proportion the danger to individuals and their families from nameless and faceless strangers who want to rob them and kill them in their homes, and who live across town, or from nameless, faceless foreign terrorists who want to do the same thing, even more violently.
And the question that needs to be asked, it seems to me, is, “What is the real level of danger, and whose responsibility is it for protecting citizens from that danger?” For politicians seeking votes, the answer seems to be to say, “My opponent won’t do it, and I will.” If you can make that claim stick, or make your opponent appear weak on crime or terrorism, you stand a better chance of winning. What that sets up in political contests is an impossible situation for any candidate who wants to change the terms of the conversation, or doubts the purported levels of danger.
Or to go back to my main point about this: who wants to talk about the sorts of dangers that many more Americans actually face as a result of vulnerability to economic downturns, to layoffs from relatively inadequate funding of public schools compared to private schools, and so forth? Anyone who would raise those sorts of issues in a campaign is going to have a very hard time prevailing against an opposing candidate who says, “Pay too much attention to those things, or vote for my opponent, and you put your family at risk of being attacked in the streets or your building bombed by a terrorist.”

W.R.: We observe that in the context of postmodern literature often there’s no clear distinction between fiction and nonfiction. We could also say between Good and Evil. We might observe this tendency as a matter of intention, what might be understood as a kind of adjustment of representational art. In other words, in order to represent the contemporary world, the writer confuses the real with the imagined. Is TV news, which we turn on to see what we’ve been up to today, fundamentally fiction in your mind? And how does the special use of language figure in the fictional representation of the real?

B.G.: I think it’s fair to say that much of what we see on TV news is what we used to think of as fiction. I think the good news is that the younger generation tends just to accept that as an obvious fact. What they do with that fact is another issue. It puts them in a place where it’s difficult for them to engage as citizens or have much trust. But at the same time, the programs on television that really come to my mind to answer your question are the so-called reality shows, which are phenomenally popular. I’m not as alarmed by them as some culture critics. Most are innocuous, it seems to me, and more to the point. I think that most people who watch those shows recognize that they are "reality" in name only.

W.R.: Let me end with one more question, and I want to refer to the Michael Moore film again, Bowling for Columbine. He uses Windsor, Ontario, Canada, and its close proximity to Detroit to illustrate the great difference between violent crime rates and apparent feelings of fear in cities that are similar in a lot of ways. In both cities there are lots of guns in the homes, lots of ethnic diversity, lots of unemployment, yet they are profoundly different in significant ways related to crime. The poverty of Windsor isn’t as desperate—that seems to be one thing Moore asserts. There the low-income housing sections are pretty nice and well kept, at least the way they’re represented in the film. In Windsor, Canada, all people have access to emergency health care; the news doesn't dwell on fear-mongering; the politicians don’t assume bellicose posturing toward domestic or foreign affairs as a matter of course….
In another part of the film, one of the creators of South Park depicts the essentially hostile environment of his high school, saying something to the effect that if you don’t get into Honors Math 1, you won’t get into Honors Math 2, and if you don’t get into Honors Math 2, you’re destined to become a washout and a failure for the rest of your life and wind up on the street or something like that. So with the creator of South Park, Moore seems to be contrasting people who vent their frustration with a hostile environment through irreverent cartoons, for example, contrasting those kinds of people with the shooters at Columbine High School.
What I’m getting to is this assumption that we live in a hostile environment, where we can make one mistake and pay for it for the rest of our lives. Step out of line once, and you’re screwed forever. Or we can get sick, and because we are unable to afford it, won't get proper health care. I’m wondering how you rank this general all-encompassing worry and apprehension over a hostile social environment among the profusion of specific fears that you itemized and analyzed in your book. Do we walk around feeling generally and ambiguously threatened, beyond the specific fears that we can identify or are identified for us by media?

B.G.: I think there is, for many people, a cumulative effect of all these fears and scares that are blown out of proportion. For large numbers of people, there is the sense that anywhere you go and anything you do can be a fatal mistake. The driver in the next lane could be on the verge of an attack of Road Rage. The person in the next desk could be on the verge of committing an act of workplace violence and blow you away. You take your child to the playground and a stranger is going to kidnap the child. Send the child to school and another child might come with a gun or a bomb or so forth. I think we have many of those things in our minds as we go about our lives. And many of those fears and dangers we don’t need to have in our minds. I think it’s not coincidental that there are such very high rates of anxiety disorders in the U.S. in recent years.
You started your question with Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit. I suggested that comparison to Michael Moore, and I thought he did an excellent job with the movie, and made his point very well with the comparison. The main point for me with the comparison had to do with the argument that real life violence is caused or provoked by media violence, which always seemed to me to be a suspicious hypothesis. And the Windsor and Detroit comparison seems to me evidence against the hypothesis. The kids in Windsor watch almost identical television and movies, from what I understand, to what kids watch in Detroit. So the explanation has to lie somewhere else, and I think that Michael Moore put his finger on a big part of the answer, which has to do with social supports and community engagement. I would add to that a difference in the gun cultures of the two places. While it’s true that gun ownership is high in Canada, gun laws are stricter and more effective in Canada than in the U.S. That’s one difference I would add.

W.R.: By “social supports” and “community engagement,” do you mean what the man who comes out of the Emergency Room illustrates in the film?

B.G.: Yes, health care—also, protections from the worst ravages of poverty for the unemployed and the poor in general are greater in Canada than the U.S. I think there’s no question that’s one important factor in the equation. It’s not the only factor, but it’s an important one.

Soccer Freestyler

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Crazy rollerblade-bottle music

The Culture of Fear

Let's call it Fear Reversed.

But instead of Us this time, it's Them. And at least one U.S. attorney is feeling the fear.

Facing replacement once President-elect Obama takes office, Drew Wrigley may find himself out of a job, let go by his new boss. So, what's a legal eagle facing certain unemployment to do?

Start drumming the Protect the Children drum by dragging out the case of Dru Sjodin, whose rape and murder five years ago resulted in yet ONE MORE child-named law.

Dru's Law joined the following famous alumni as Law of the Land: the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act and Katie's Law.

The discussion today is not Dru or Adam or Katie or any other child's specific case that has resulted in invasive draconian law for many American citizens.

The discussion is about the culture of fear, created by politicians who readily seize upon parental grief to push emotional, feel-good legislation through whatever branch of government they represent.

Barry Glassner writes about why we are afraid of all the wrong things (and how we arrive at such a point of frenzy) in his book The Culture of FEAR. Chapter 3--Youth at Risk--details the particularly heinous use of children by lawmakers.

FYI--The disappearance and murder of young Adam Walsh is discussed at length.

Pick up a copy and read for yourself. But no worries.

I'll be back to discuss Chapter 3 tomorrow.

As for Mr. Wrigley and other U.S. attorneys like him, that pushed the agenda of former boss Alberto Gonzales?

Good riddance.

And let's get busy righting these seriously wrong laws.

Human Creative Painting

Check out more at this link.

Alaska's Biggest Turkey

Sarah Palin and I have something in common.

Our hair.

The difference being, I care enough about mine to keep my style current. (Meow, Hiss. Scratch).

So, as I am off to an appointment this morning keep my coif coiffed, I take my leave, leaving you with yet another turkey of a Palin moment.

But I have to admit.

Love the scarf, Sarah.

I'm certain Burberry would agree...it's the perfect plaid for wear when witnessing the life twitch out of a turkey.

Safe baby handling tips

From "Safey Baby Handling Tips" by David and Kelly Sipp

The Foley 17...Where Are They Now?

Remember those 17 House members who--along with Mark Foley--passed the Adam Walsh Act (under Denny Hastert's suspension of the rules)?

Well, we all know what happened to Foley. What about the others?

Did they survive November 4, 2008?

The Foley 17.

Where are they now?

Some are gone, but their actions not forgotten.

Rep. Mark Green[R-WI]: Didn't seek reelection. Ran for Governor instead. Lost to Dem incumbent Jim Doyle.

Ginny-Brown Waite [R-FL]:
Unfortunately, won reelection 11/4/08 to the 5th District.

Rep. Pence [R-IN]:
Elected Chairman of the House Republican Conference for the 111th Congress by a unanimous vote of its members.

Rep. Pomeroy [D-ND]:
Won re-election to his eighth term BACK IN 2006.

Rep. Cramer[D-AL]:
Did not seek reelection in 2008 to Alabama's 5th District.
Dr. Parker Griffith, also a Democrat, was elected to replace Cramer.

Rep. Kelly [R-NY]:
Defeated in the 2006 congressional elections by Rep. John Hall (D-N.Y.).

Rep. Fitzpatrick [R-PA]:
Defeated by Rep. Patrick Murphy (D-Pa.) in the 2006 congressional elections.

Rep. Gingrey[R-GA]: Won reelection in 2006.

Rep. Hayworth[R-AZ]:
Defeated by Rep. Harry Mitchell (D-Ariz.) in the 2006 congressional elections.

Rep. Gillmor[R-OH]:

Rep. Udall [D-CO]: Elected to the Senate in 2008.

Rep. Emanuel [D-IL]: Obama's Chief of Staff.
(And the word is, old Rahm had the goods on Foley long before October 2006. Yet, he allowed the Adam Walsh Act to proceed forward).

Rep. Meek [D-FL]: Member of the House since 2002.

Rep. Herger[R-CA]:
Reelected 2008.

Rep. Van Hollen [D-MD]: Reelected 2008.

Rep. Sensenbrenner [R-WI]: Reelected 2008.

Kids today

Science fair projects weren't this creative when I was a kid.

Parker's Pips Popped from Commission

Sarah Palin need not worry her pretty little head over running for Senate anytime soon. With Mark Begich "toppling" Ted Stevens from his Senate seat by 3724 votes, it's best that Caribou Barbie take a good look in the mirror to figure out what personality to assume next.

And all you feminists out there, don't freak over that comment. I call them as I see them and SP is one pip I wouldn't want representing me, male or female.

Speaking of pips...

Brevard County cut three commissioners loose this past election cycle, blessedly cutting short their careers, well, at least for the meantime. Term-limited from screwing the citizens further as members of the county commission, two had sought other public seats, only to be soundly defeated during the primary by those who voted "I've had ENOUGH!"

The Commission was well known for the carte blanche treatment offered Sheriff Jack Parker, who recently won re-election, defeating the Democratic challenger by a vote of 3-1.

Parker had once served as Public Safety Director for the county, a job created for him that disappeared once JP hit the jackpot with his election as Sheriff. With his influence, this past Commission passed a restrictive county ordinance prohibiting those convicted of a charge deemed a sex offense by the state of Florida from pretty much going anywhere in the county with their families. To top that, Parker and his Pips attempted to disenfranchise offenders from the vote.

Unfortunately, their own ordinance bit them in their cronyism:

A county ordinance passed last year by the Commission--in cahoots with Parker--created 1,000-foot buffer zones for registered offenders around schools, daycare centers, parks and playground. Access is granted for certain exceptions, including voting.


We bid adieu to Helen Voltz, Truman Scarborough and Jackie Colon. Colon's loss is particularly gratifying as about one year ago, she walked out of a meeting with her constituents--family members who wished to discuss the collateral damage to their children as a result of--yep, you got it-- Brevard County's draconian sex offender ordinance.

The new commissioners were sworn in to office last night and this Frog will keep a close eye on Parker's ability to svengali his bosses.

But until then, I can only say...good riddance and hope that perhaps the new peanut gallery may not prove so quick to feed the badged elephant standing in their chambers.

R.E.M. Believed

Can't Get Enough of Barack's Win....

Here's a special clip from November 4 in Santiago, Chile, when R.E.M. found out that Barack Obama's victory was imminent and indisputable.

Enjoy the celebratory version of "I Believe" that followed...

Thanks to Doug St. Clair for passing this moment forward.

Join the Impact

I'm not certain my gay friends knew what they were up against when taking on the Protect the Children crowd.

It's not like this Frog didn't warn them, especially when in the recent past, several well-known gay activist bloggers decided to bail out on one of their own, someone conducting daily (hourly?) hand to hand combat with those who deem themselves Protectors of Anyone Under 18.

When the battle grew a little bit loud and the resulting shrapnel a bit too public for their cause, well, let's just say, the online alternative crowd left a man behind.

Now they've all been left behind, stunned with the defeat of Amendment 2 (Florida), Prop 8 (California) and Prop 107 (Arizona) and subsequently dismissed by mainstream America.

"I just found out my state doesn't really think I'm a person," said Rose Aplustill. 21, a BU student from Los Osos, California.

Unfortunately, Rose, the Protect the Children argument is that effective. Irrational and fear-laden, but effective.

They don't care about your family. They don't care about my family. Mother and Father and Dick, Jane, Sally, Spot and Puff--that family, they care about.

Those of us who have been fighting these ahem traditionalists for years will tell you this--the Fear Crowd's ability to sway America's thinking is not only dangerous, it's fascist.

They start with a group that no one would ever care about--say people who have been convicted of an offense deemed sexual--an easy group to tar and feather and thump over the head with the PC Bible. Although their families cried foul, most folks looked the other way as concentration camps without fences were built all over this country, in the form of residency restrictions.

NIMBY. Not in my backyard.

But now, my friends...it is in your backyard. You--and your families--are the next target.

But we--those of us who have family members wrongly ostracized by a rabid political environment--are your neighbors--your walked through hell and back neighbors--like it or not.

We've been on the ground. We know the enemy.

We are here to help, not turn our backs on you.

I've Joined the Impact.

As Seattle blogger Amy Baillett said so well, "We need to show the world when one thing happens to one of us, it happens to all of us."

Yes. It. Does. Let's get busy fighting back. Together.

Mr. Foley--Good Deed Doer?

Came across this Letter to the Editor ran by the Sun Sentinel on November 15, 2008.

As our representative, Mark Foley was effective in representing his constituents. A friend of mine was unable to get veterans' benefits as his service records were destroyed in a military warehouse fire. Rep. Foley made sure he received them. This is a small example of the many good deeds he performed while in office. I think that he has suffered more than enough and think it's time that he forgives himself.

Jim Hegarty, Greenacres
Mr. Hegarty, the minute lawmakers realize that many persons charged, convicted and branded under the current "offender" laws for far less than what we all witnessed with Mr. Foley, that's when the former congressman should forgive himself.

Sir, we have many good people--also effective in jobs they once held--Fired due to Stigma because of Draconian laws passed by lawmakers like Mark Foley. The collateral damage to their families, their children--private citizens who have committed no "crime"--(and I use that word lightly, considering sneezing is close to categorization as a sexual offense by the state of Florida)--who stand in support of their loved one--is beyond belief.

If Foley really wants to make amends and redeem himself, I'd suggest old Mark begin to lobby for changes in the very laws he helped to create, perpetuate and indeed escaped.

Once that deed is done, perhaps, perhaps then he can crawl out from beneath the blanket of denial, having accomplished true good for his fellow Americans.

Until then, he's just one more political jerk who got off with a little help from his high powered friends.

No pun intended.

Read more about America's Dirty Little Secret here.

The Ego of Mark Foley


Best word to describe me (and most likely the Republican Party) after reading the transcript of Mark Foley's interview.

I'm not certain what game Mr. Foley is playing--if his "confession" to the press is part of some 12-step amends apology--but I can tell you this.

This man broke the laws he helped to create. He walks about as a free man. And he has the nerve to say the following, as reported by the Washington Blade:
"There was never anywhere in those conversations where someone said, 'Stop,' or 'I'm not enjoying this,' or 'This is inappropriate,'” Foley said. Foley tries to minimize the significance of what he did, asserting that these were 17-year-olds, just months from being men. That, of course, ignores the fact that at least one object of his affection was 16."

Classy, Mark. Blaming the victims.

Mr. Foley, lives have been ruined on much less than what you admit to. And funny, what you fail to recall in your Land of Denial....

Federal law deems the age of majority as age 18.

But one good thing has come out of this interview slash confession.

The Adam Walsh Act begs repeal for countless reasons. Mark Foley now serves as the official poster boy for Reason Number One.

Some Americans have more constitutional rights than others in this country.

Repeal the Adam Walsh Act.

Oh, NOW She Gives Interviews.....

The VP candidate who chose the vow of silence rather than submit to those pesky press questions, can't seem to stop talking long enough to realize....

....the more she talks, the more Palin reassures cross-over Republican voters that they indeed chose wisely, making the right decision by voting Obama.

Matt Lauer appears positively pained during his interview of Mrs. Palin, perhaps in attempt to keep a straight face.

LAUER: What was the biggest misconception that you would have loved to have corrected at the time?

S. PALIN: It started off with the rumors, the speculation, even in mainstream media, that Trig wasn’t actually my child, that Trig was somebody else’s child and I faked a pregnancy. That was absolutely ridiculous. And it took days for that false allegation (inaudible) be corrected.

And then rumors right off the bat, too, that, you know, I was some -- some wacko. That as city manager I tried to ban the books in our local library, and they listed the books that supposedly I tried to ban, books like “Harry Potter” that hadn’t even been written when I was the mayor and the manager. And things like that, that so easily could have been corrected if -- if reporters would have done their job.

Per Andrew Sullivan, The Daily Dish:

For the record, some Harry Potter books had been written when she was mayor and manager. This is not open to factual dispute (why did Lauer not correct her?)......

That's easy to figure out. Much more of a story when convolution is allowed to mature and grow.

Misery enjoys company. Read more about Lauer's interview of the Alaskan governor here.

"Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain."

~J.K. Rowling, "Dobby's Reward," Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 1999, spoken by the character Arthur Weasley