And all you feminists out there, don't freak over that comment. I call them as I see them and SP is one pip I wouldn't want representing me, male or female.
Speaking of pips...
Brevard County cut three commissioners loose this past election cycle, blessedly cutting short their careers, well, at least for the meantime. Term-limited from screwing the citizens further as members of the county commission, two had sought other public seats, only to be soundly defeated during the primary by those who voted "I've had ENOUGH!"
The Commission was well known for the carte blanche treatment offered Sheriff Jack Parker, who recently won re-election, defeating the Democratic challenger by a vote of 3-1.
Parker had once served as Public Safety Director for the county, a job created for him that disappeared once JP hit the jackpot with his election as Sheriff. With his influence, this past Commission passed a restrictive county ordinance prohibiting those convicted of a charge deemed a sex offense by the state of Florida from pretty much going anywhere in the county with their families. To top that, Parker and his Pips attempted to disenfranchise offenders from the vote.
Unfortunately, their own ordinance bit them in their cronyism:
A county ordinance passed last year by the Commission--in cahoots with Parker--created 1,000-foot buffer zones for registered offenders around schools, daycare centers, parks and playground. Access is granted for certain exceptions, including voting.
We bid adieu to Helen Voltz, Truman Scarborough and Jackie Colon. Colon's loss is particularly gratifying as about one year ago, she walked out of a meeting with her constituents--family members who wished to discuss the collateral damage to their children as a result of--yep, you got it-- Brevard County's draconian sex offender ordinance.
The new commissioners were sworn in to office last night and this Frog will keep a close eye on Parker's ability to svengali his bosses.
But until then, I can only say...good riddance and hope that perhaps the new peanut gallery may not prove so quick to feed the badged elephant standing in their chambers.