I'm sorry.
Call me petty, call me low rent but by God, I am enjoying Sean Hannity's whiny pathetic hysterical utterances that have somehow passed for a talk show this past week.
As a citizen trapped in Talk Radio Land, I often listen to the "other team", well, as long as humanly possible before my brain starts to shut down and the urge to drive my car off a causeway becomes an obsessive compulsion.
I've listened to Hannity's hate, his never-ending abuse and character assassination of Barack Obama, the fuel that ignited a faction of the electorate driven to yell "Kill Him!" at Republican campaign rallies orchestrated to stoke the primal fury.
Listen up, Righties. Don't be fooled by this guy.
An Obama election will do more for Sean Hannity and his like than the anointing of John McCain ever could. Over the next four years, guys of SH's ilk will sit back and pick pick pick apart every attempt to reconstruct our country and make plenty of cold hard cash doing so.
The ultimate goal of the Talk Radio bullies is not about electing McCain. It's never been about electing McCain. It's all about the Republican right holding on to power, a power misused against the American people in ways I consider criminal..
It ain't over 'til it's over, that's for certain. As for the chickens, believe me, I'm not counting anything that ain't hatched yet.
But I'm certainly enjoying the incubation period.