Observations noted during supervisory duty at local polling place:
–Parked van had following message shoe polished in white across rear window: “Don’t vote away my health benefits. Vote NO on 2.”
–Long line to begin the day. Voters assembling since 5:15 AM. Poll at 7:00 AM on the nose. The crowd ebbed and strengthened at various times during the day.
–Standing tall in McCain-Palin country. Republican supporter greeting voters with McPain sign attached to American flag. Wears a tee-shirt with McCain scripted in gold, Palin in lipstick pink. Standing close to a woman holding sign of support for local council member. McPainer initiates conversation with the local, who converses back in soft tones as opposed to his argumentative stance, peppered with phrases like “abortion”, “murder”, “life”, and “God”. Local looks my way and mouths “Help me.”
–Polling place is a school. Staff on duty all day. Students remain inside classrooms behind locked doors due to number of voters on campus. Released for lunch and activities but no outdoor play. Staff amused that local schools were closed for the Amendment 1 election but not for the Presidential election.
–Voting smooth. No malfunctions. Workers are energized, excited.
–Homeschooled student in line with his father. Gives up his dad’s right to a secret ballot. “We’re voting Obama!”
–School dismisses for day. McPainer still greeting voters. Has added a “NOBAMA” sign to his schtick. Students walking home from school sight the McCain-Palin sign first, homemade sign second. Not happy. One student yells to sign holder, “McCain-Palin will do nothing for our country.” Others plan to go home and tell their parents about the sign. I predict the sign will soon be long gone….just like the local, who finally bailed, heading elsewhere to hold her sign.
–One kid following behind underage Obama supporters speaks to his friend, “McCain’s really not that bad.” Friend replies, “He’s no Obama.”
–These are elementary age kids.
–My civic duty complete, I head to the post office before going home. Checking my mailbox, I notice the fellow box holder to my left is wearing an Obama tee-shirt. Much need sighting after the McPainer.
–Hmmm. What’s that in my mailbox? My MoveOn.org Obama button has finally arrived.