Came across this Letter to the Editor ran by the Sun Sentinel on November 15, 2008.
As our representative, Mark Foley was effective in representing his constituents. A friend of mine was unable to get veterans' benefits as his service records were destroyed in a military warehouse fire. Rep. Foley made sure he received them. This is a small example of the many good deeds he performed while in office. I think that he has suffered more than enough and think it's time that he forgives himself.Mr. Hegarty, the minute lawmakers realize that many persons charged, convicted and branded under the current "offender" laws for far less than what we all witnessed with Mr. Foley, that's when the former congressman should forgive himself.
Jim Hegarty, Greenacres
Sir, we have many good people--also effective in jobs they once held--Fired due to Stigma because of Draconian laws passed by lawmakers like Mark Foley. The collateral damage to their families, their children--private citizens who have committed no "crime"--(and I use that word lightly, considering sneezing is close to categorization as a sexual offense by the state of Florida)--who stand in support of their loved one--is beyond belief.
If Foley really wants to make amends and redeem himself, I'd suggest old Mark begin to lobby for changes in the very laws he helped to create, perpetuate and indeed escaped.
Once that deed is done, perhaps, perhaps then he can crawl out from beneath the blanket of denial, having accomplished true good for his fellow Americans.
Until then, he's just one more political jerk who got off with a little help from his high powered friends.
No pun intended.
Read more about America's Dirty Little Secret here.