Young voters.
As you are, once was I, my entire life before me as if eternity was mine for the choosing, the possibilities endless. Now at mid-life, my glance backwards is always in surprise at the rate life passes, seemingly in a rush to the end.
Allow me to share nature's joke. The young person remains inside my heart, her angst tempered with a wisdom gained fleeting day after fleeting day.
Election 2008 is quite possibly a once in a lifetimer.
And the word on the street is...
They don't think you'll show up.
The Detroit Free-Press:
Despite all the hullabaloo about young people and the 2008 election, as a general rule, 18-to-late twentysomethings don't care about voting as much as their elders.
And the press isn't the only place I've heard this.
I've come to the conclusion that these fatalists are unable to come to terms with the fact this country got screwed up on our watch and now, embarrassed that the resolution for said screw-up falls into the hands--and on the shoulders--of an age group perceived by many--perhaps wishful thinkers--that the youth of this country talk a good game, but when push comes to shove, that's all it is.
I often wonder how many of you these types have met. In fact, perhaps they avoid you, for fear their sanctimonious self-serving argument would force the introspection back upon themselves, magnifying their own glaring failure and inaction to address the hand-off of our country to a handful of politicians who granted themselves unheard of power and drove our country into ruin.
My inner twenty-something has complete faith in you.
Prove them wrong.
Take your country back.