West Palm is the halfway point between the two areas of Florida I call home---the hell called Central Florida and the tropical hell called South Florida (and I do say that with love).
Anyway this past weekend, my mom and brother met me at one of WP's upscale malls for lunch. Afterwards, while zenning over a synchronized fountain and watching the beautiful people shop, a kid walks back us wearing a vivid red AIG tee-shirt with the name of a soccer team emblazoned across the back.
Knowing that AIG has been under fire to address the burning question--where did all the money go?--I turned to my family and deadpanned, "I think we paid for that kid's shirt."
What else is funny, in a not so ha-ha way. The feds have no problem handing over our registered loved ones' tax money to give away to this bottomless pit, while standing in silent support of residency requirements through the provision of state grant funding that restricts same said tax payer from living near a community park to watch or attend a kid's soccer game.
Just one of many ironic governmental twists when a citizen is granted the status of persona non grata.
Read more about AIG's explanation here.
Read Jill Levenson's work regarding residency restrictions here.