A few fun facts as the Florida legislature heads into session on this very day--
Per the Gainesville Sun:
Florida has the second highest foreclosure rate in the nation. Tourism has slowed significantly. Some 680,000 unemployment claims were filed last year, the most since 1992. And Medicaid expenses now account for more than a quarter of the state's budget.And lest anybody think we're going to "grow" our way out of this mess any time soon, the update notes that "9,300 more citizens left Florida than moved in during the previous 12 months ... the attraction of Florida for young working professionals appears to be waning as other states provide cheaper housing and better education."
So what to do? Just keep cutting spending, resisting new taxes and hope for the best?
And that Froggers, is the question of "...untenable fiscal bind...".
"Less than 30 years ago, Florida was the fifth-cheapest place to live, with plenty of jobs in construction, tourism, retailing and agriculture. But now, "we're not the fifth-cheapest, we're the 14th-most expensive."