The Honorable Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL, 20th District)
U.S. House of Representatives
118 Cannon H.O.B
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-7931
Fax: 202-226-2052
March 7, 2009
Dear Representative Wasserman Schultz:
As a member of the Florida Progressive Coalition, as an activist and as a Floridian with great concerns regarding the legislation of human dignity, it is my request you attend the Tuesday, March 10th legislative hearing on the Adam Walsh Act’s Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA). It is scheduled for 2:00 p.m.
As a Member of the Subcommittee on Crime of the House Judiciary Committee, I encourage you to support the goals of the hearing:
- to consider the issues and insurmountable barriers posed by the call for SORNA compliance by states;
- to consider how SORNA may impact public safety aims;
- to examine current research and best practices for the assurance of public safety;
- to seek alternatives to the SORNA for effective sex offender management;
- to push back the date for final compliance with the SORNA;
- to establish research committees to examine the variety of issues both
logistical/practical and in terms of the effectiveness of the public safety aims
of the SORNA, including but not limited to how SORNA impacts juveniles, the use of actuarial risk assessment-based tiering of sex offenders v. offense-based tiering, the impact of the demand for SORNA implementation in sovereign Indian nations, and the possible legal issues and ramifications of SORNA implementation; and
- to consider possible statutory reform of the SORNA portion of the Adam Walsh Act.
Thank you.
Sunny/Smashed Frog
Faxed/Posted/Emailed: 3/7/09