A friend of a friend of a friend told me about his friend who recently enrolled her son in an elementary public school after many years of attending a Montessori counterpart.
Good public school. Lots of NCLB credentials, A-school, the whole nine yards of my school is better than your school.
After attending one semester, the parent decided to home school the kid to address her learning style. Apparently, once Montessori, always Montessori.
Holding nothing against home education or any sort of alternative instruction, I still have to ask... When does a kid get back on the bus and head back into school, i.e. the real world? But after thinking about it, the answer is actually never.
A child can be home-schooled K-12, attend an online college and these days, jobs of the future can be conducted via computer. And from what I hear about Second Life, relationships have gone virtual in a big way.
Looks like technology is creating a society of recluses, without the whole cool hermit stigma.