Everyone's a critic.
Including Jaemi Levine.
The South Florida resident and founder of Mothers Against Predators supports cybercrime messenger Bill McCollum, but wastes no time taking pot shots at his message.
None too impressed with what the Attorney General is attempting to pass off as what walks like a public service announcement but talks like a campaign ad, Levine had this to say about that.
''I can't imagine spending that kind of money on an ad that doesn't get anything across except Bill McCollum's face.''(Miami Herald, 3/24/09)
Next P.R. bit, McCollum will plaster his mug on the side of milk cartons statewide and justify the move as some sort of Amber Alert on missing kids.
Mr. Bill's $1.4 million ad targeting online cybercrime was awarded to a former campaign advisor through a no-bid contract. The FL GOP is now crying "partisan witchhunt", which is a hugely ironic catch phrase from the same team who slapped thousands of faces online via state registries for cybercrimes created by cybercops.
Armed with a keyboard, a donut and the skills to pass one's self off as a 15-year-old, voila! A political witchhunt rivaling Senator Joseph McCarthy's own red paintbrush.
For the truth about online safety, review the current research here.