Constitutional guarantees can't be selective. It either works for all of us, regardless of the crime one commits, or it doesn't work for any of us.
Nominated for Best Ongoing Series, the Dave Aronberg posts address the difficulty in repealing unconstitutional laws that serve as politically powerful vote-getters for elected officials playing on the fears of parents.
Sex offenders (a status which differs from sex predator) and their families--are forced to live where The Law tells them to live.
And in many Florida municipalities, that place is not in their community's backyard.
Dave Aronberg attempted unsuccessfully to address the NIMBY attitude through proposing legislation that would repeal the hodge-podge of residency restrictions implemented by many Florida municipalities choosing to increase distance from areas where children may gather beyond the current state law of 1000 feet. The result of the local control iron fist has forced many persons from their communities to live under bridges, in the Everglades, in trailers on church property and on and on and on.
Some have simply gone underground.
While reading these posts, keep in mind. Many citizens convicted of a sex offense have never touched anyone physically, much less a child.
Take your time. It's a heavy subject. The posts will be available for viewing throughout the weekend.
What's most important? Pass along the truth. Educate, educate, educate.
If you feel the need to give the Frog a 2008 Florida Netroots Award nod for Best Ongoing Series, vote here.
The Dave Aronberg Series.

Dave Aronberg's I Didn't Inhale Moment
February 17, 2008
It's the High Noon of Sex Offender Laws.
The Julia Tuttle Gang vs. a couple of Sunshine State lawmaking Davids.
As a member of the Florida Netroots, I'm challenging state Senator David Aronberg and Representative David Simmons to utilize this moment to propose research-based laws and turn this nightmare around.
Time to get it right, more here.

Dave Aronberg's First Step
April 3, 2008
I have to give Dave Aronberg (D-Greenacres) matter how he spins the public safety angle, at least the guy is trying.
The Florida state senator is pushing for changes in the Sunshine State's Draconian sex offender more here.

The Sex Education of Dave Aronberg
April 4, 2008
Although Dave Aronberg appears responsive to changes in the sex offender laws, the Florida state senator is still "selling" his bill to "protect the children" inferring that all persons listed on the Florida Sex Offender Registry are child molesters.
Many persons so listed have never touched anyone physically, much less a child.
These two phrases--Protect the Children--Child Molesters--are straight up Republican frame references. Perhaps Aronberg--a Democrat-- has to talk the talk of the Rethugs, who outnumber him in the state legislature.
The truth is only 3 % of those forced to register on the Florida Sex Offender Registry are truly dangerous. The rest are low level offenders caught up in a broad net of offenses that Florida has deemed sex more here.

Bridging Dave Aronberg's Law
I've been tooling about the Florida Senate, checking up on the progress of S1430, Dave Aronberg's (D-Greenacres) proposed bill dealing with the residential restrictions for sex offenders mess.
Quick to jump on board the Fear Train, over 100 Florida municipalities decided to one-up the state 1000 feet guidelines, extending residency restrictions in their communities by prohibiting those residents convicted of a sexual offense from living 1000 to 1500 and in many cases 2500 feet where children are known to gather.
In many cases, these "personalized" restrictions banished an offender from living within the more here.

Dave Aronberg Caved
May 8, 2008
Aronberg's bill died in messages at the close of session.
And that's not such a bad thing.
The political long arms of those who support such blatant unconstitutional ex post facto punishment became quite evident as their sticky fingers got into the legislative mix, with the end result downsizing 128 bad laws into 1 really bad law.
Aronberg himself slid in this caveat at the ninth hour:
775.215 Residency distance limitations for persons convicted of certain sexual offenses; certain local ordinances preempted and repealed.--The adoption of residency distance limitations for persons convicted of sexual offenses, including, but not limited to, violations of s. 787.01, s. 787.02, s.794.011, s. 800.04, s. 827.071, or s. 847.0145, regardless of whether adjudication has been withheld, is expressly preempted to the state. The provisions of ss. 794.065, 947.1405, and 948.30 establishing such distance limitations supersede the distance limitations included in any such municipal or county ordinances. Any such residency distance limitations adopted by a county or municipality prior to July 1, 2009, are hereby repealed and abolished as of July 1, 2009. However, after July 1, 2009, the governing body of a county or municipality, may, upon the written recommendation of the chief law enforcement officer of such county or municipality and upon a finding of public necessity by said governing body, adopt by a 2/3 vote an ordinance that increases the distance limitations contained in s. 794.065 up to a maximum distance of 2,000 feet. Any person who is subject to the residency distance limitations in s. 794.065, s. 947.1405, or s. 948.30 who changes his or her place of residence after July 1,2009, is subject to the residency distance limitations adopted pursuant to such county or municipal ordinance.
Dave caved.
All that talk about a uniform state residency restriction and within a few years, a municipality could change it right back.
Dave, darling...that's going on NOW. Good Lord, do your more here.