Astonishingly, the javelin missed all tendons, bones, and arteries in McGeeney's leg, lodging through the skin like the world's most extreme but benign piercing. McGeeney got a good patching up at a local hospital, but not before calling a co-worker over and snapping photos of the damage himself as a Marine who served a tour of duty in Afghanistan would.
[ouch] Dude gets a javelin through his leg.
Ryan McGeeney, a budding journalist and photographer shooting from the sidelines of a track meet in Utah. McGeeney was actually standing on the field of competition and attempting to shoot photos of the discus competition. 
"It basically came from about my seven o'clock or eight o'clock," he said. Right before it hit, the official started to say 'Look out! Look out!' and I started to look over to the javelin right when it went through. There was the kind of tight feeling in the skin where I could say, 'oh yeah, it went through me,' but it wasn't real painful."
Astonishingly, the javelin missed all tendons, bones, and arteries in McGeeney's leg, lodging through the skin like the world's most extreme but benign piercing. McGeeney got a good patching up at a local hospital, but not before calling a co-worker over and snapping photos of the damage himself as a Marine who served a tour of duty in Afghanistan would.
Astonishingly, the javelin missed all tendons, bones, and arteries in McGeeney's leg, lodging through the skin like the world's most extreme but benign piercing. McGeeney got a good patching up at a local hospital, but not before calling a co-worker over and snapping photos of the damage himself as a Marine who served a tour of duty in Afghanistan would.