Nation-building begins at home.
According to NYT columnist Thomas Friedman, Americans sense that from sea to shining sea...this country is weakening financially.
"Who will tell the people? We are not who we think we are. We are living on borrowed time and borrowed dimes. We still have all the potential for greatness, but only if we get back to work on our country."
Friedman writes of the great thirst craved by the American people to take the country back, not only politically, but by rebuilding the foundation through personal investment.
It's the ingrained altruistic "We" pulsing through our patriotic DNA, still alive and kicking after eight years of an "I" Administration that all but severed Americans from the collective heart of what makes this country great--the shoulder to shoulder, pedal to the metal efforts of its people to refocus--to rebuild--through the tough times.
No matter how divided, how polarized, how afraid the Bush administration has caused us to be, folks are waking up from a coma that some would call self-induced, a sort of defense mechanism to psychologically arm us through the battering.
With the end in sight, the alarm has sounded.
America is awakening. And the citizenry is raring to go.
Sign me up!
We can do this thing.
Together, we can repair our country.
"...millions of Americans are dying to be enlisted — enlisted to fix education, enlisted to research renewable energy, enlisted to repair our infrastructure, enlisted to help others."
"We want our country to matter again."
We want our people to matter again.
Sign this Frog up.
We want our people to matter again.
Sign this Frog up.