"...it was a big one, a bigger pouch. Like this around his waist. And he opened it up and was playing with something and I look over at him and I see this hair. And he says, 'It's my pet monkey.' And I'm thinking, oh, no it's not," she said."
Oh no. It's not...what you're thinking.
But laugh as we might, airline passenger Mikie Mallory was not monkeying around. She went all Darwin on the primate, turning in the little fella and his Man in the Yellow Hat counterpart.
Man and monkey were escorted off the Cleveland-bound Continental flight.
Crackerjack TSA saw no cause for elevated monkey chatter. "Whether the monkey came through security overtly or covertly, the monkey was screened."
And the skies are all the safer for it.
Shaaa...and monkeys might fly out of my butt.