One would think the Bosnia story or the JFK/Johnson reference would cause Hillary Clinton to stop and think before committing political suicide.
“We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California.”
Although this froggy Barack Obama supporter believes that this reference by HRC was an attempt to demonstrate that Bobby Kennedy still sought the nomination of the Democratic party at the time of his tragic death forty years ago this June, I also believe the comment was a bit more veiled than what is currently under the media microscope.
Being the name-dropper-associater that she is, Hillary's words just prior to the ill-conceived RFK reference referred to her husband, Bill Clinton and how he also had not yet garnered the presumptive Democratic nomination status until the month of June.
In my opinion, Hillary's misstep was her opportunistic way to link her husband--who role-modeled himself after the President and was once photographed as a young man with JFK--to the legend of the Kennedy family.
Her per usual self-serving words were made in sad effort to diminish the much discussed comparison of Barack Obama and John F. Kennedy, via use of a war room calculated statement made to lob the Kennedy mystique back over the campaign net to the Clinton side of court.
Not only was the the comment simply horrible bad form, Hillary Clinton may be the only Democrat to ever mortally ace her candidacy through citing of an event with such instantaneous immediate recall for every American who lived through that moment in history where hope was once again shot down.