Here we go again.
Pollster John Zogby is predicting a North Carolina win for Barack Obama but Indiana is just too close to call.
Let's head back to Indiana. What's the word out of the Hoosier state?
Why is no one noticing that Clinton's threat to Iran breaks international law????? In chapter I, article II of the United Nations Charter, it states: All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
I too am an older, white, female and was going to vote for Hillary but have found her style of politics too negative. The way she has tried to make herself into this 'average' person by talking about shooting when she voted against guns for many years, by drinking with the good ole boys, and now the gas tax proposal are all so obvious - at least to me. And I'm really uncomfortable with her threats of bombing Iran and changing the DNC rules to favor her are scary to say the least. Does she realize that nuclear waste can last for decades and destroy so much? Her campaign seems to be run so poorly.
Given Hillary's background with scandal after scandal, her reputation for lying and her all out mean and negative campaigning, not to mention her husband's lying and womanizing, it is truly amazing that she's even in this race. Obama is young, exciting, honest, caring and will bring us together...the exact opposite of Clinton. Come on, Indiana. We have the historic opportunity to elect a truly outstanding individual: vote Obama.
--Richard Fassler
Another sheep I see. The only negative campaigning I have been seeing is coming out of the Obama camp.
And with Stevie Wonder in your corner....
is tonight the night?
Yes. We. Can.
Goin' Back To Indiana Lyrics
I too am an older, white, female and was going to vote for Hillary but have found her style of politics too negative. The way she has tried to make herself into this 'average' person by talking about shooting when she voted against guns for many years, by drinking with the good ole boys, and now the gas tax proposal are all so obvious - at least to me. And I'm really uncomfortable with her threats of bombing Iran and changing the DNC rules to favor her are scary to say the least. Does she realize that nuclear waste can last for decades and destroy so much? Her campaign seems to be run so poorly.
Given Hillary's background with scandal after scandal, her reputation for lying and her all out mean and negative campaigning, not to mention her husband's lying and womanizing, it is truly amazing that she's even in this race. Obama is young, exciting, honest, caring and will bring us together...the exact opposite of Clinton. Come on, Indiana. We have the historic opportunity to elect a truly outstanding individual: vote Obama.
--Richard Fassler
Another sheep I see. The only negative campaigning I have been seeing is coming out of the Obama camp.
Given Hillary's background with scandal after scandal, her reputation for lying and her all out mean and negative campaigning, not to mention her husband's lying and womanizing, it is truly amazing that she's even in this race. Obama is young, exciting, honest, caring and will bring us together...the exact opposite of Clinton. Come on, Indiana. We have the historic opportunity to elect a truly outstanding individual: vote Obama.Two out of three Hoosiers can't be wrong.
(reply to Richard Fassler)
And with Stevie Wonder in your corner....
is tonight the night?
Yes. We. Can.
Goin' Back To Indiana Lyrics