Although she admitted having not pumped gas for years, that didn't stop Hillary Clinton from pumping the flesh at the pump and talking up her gas-tax moratorium.
Experts dispute the suspension of the gas tax, "arguing that cutting the tax would drive up demand for gas at a time when supply is tight, which would in turn mean that the price at the pump would drop by much less than 18 cents per gallon."
The Senator blames Big Oil for rising gas prices. "The oil companies keep making out like bandits, you know they have had the highest profits in the history of the world."
Really, Hillary?
Oil companies like ExxonMobil and BP Amoco?
Hillary Clinton's Presidential Financial Disclosure lists she and Bill's oil stock holdings--in both companies--to the tune of $50,001-$250,000 .
Just a FYI--
Exxon Mobil Corp.So, while the press is dicking around with the Jeremiah Wright story, Hillary's running around sucking up our milkshake through her straw, reaping personal profit via America's rape at the pump.
Meanwhile, Americans are no closer to holding the Clintons accountable for full disclosure of the 2007 Clinton tax returns or the Clinton Foundation donor list.
We, the People are being drained dry by the Clinton Machine.