The Senate FISA vote has been rescheduled until Wednesday, July 9th to allow lawmakers to attend the funeral of Senator Jesse Helms.
Call it Fate. Call it the Hand of God. Call it Divine Intervention.
The Frog calls it One More Day.
Twenty-four more hours to contact your senators.
One thousand, four hundred and forty minutes for our respective senators to recall these long ago words of Ben Franklin.
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both. "
For half a second, forget about Obama. FISA isn't about just one man. It's about 41 senators needed to block the bill.
To protect our civil liberties. Yours. Mine. The constitutionally guaranteed freedoms of our children.
Make your voice heard. Contact your senator. Click here for more information.
Make every minute count.
What Every American Needs to Know (and Do) About FISA Before Tuesday, July 8th from Tim Ferriss on Vimeo.