Hear his story.

Well, in 2003, I downloaded pictures of minors engaging - I'm too scared to even write the whole thing out. This is in NY. It was on a file sharing network. I don't have a number, but out of ALL the users who download music, I just happened to be caught by a detective - no chatting with minors, no attempt at it, just downloading it (doesn't make it right, nonetheless).
A few months later I get a knock on the door, and me being in my early twenties, I had no idea about the law; at the time I honestly had NO IDEA what I was doing was illegal. So, make a long story short, the "detective" who happens to seem like he likes to do a lot with children, even in other states--you know what they say about those who bark the loudest - literally lies to me (which I didnt know they were allowed to) and said "nothing will happen, you'll get one count, I swear, and that's maximum." He writes out my "confession" in his handwriting, (note there are two other detectives in the car), and he says "don't worry about the lawyer, you don't need one - you're not under arrest." So, I put under "Do you want to speak to your lawyer?" No. That was that.
About a month later I'm charged with 6 counts of possession and distribution. After months of pleading, feeling suicidal, losing 50 pounds, the judge finally decides I'm not a "bad guy," and realizes this is a one time deal that I was being stupid, etc. -like that matters. Level 1 RSO, 10 years probation, 10 years to register.Then, NY changed the law to 20 years registration for everyone. Great. Now, the AWA.
I must admit I am blessed to have my family know that even though what I did has no justification, the punishment doesn't fit the crime, and it WILL be over soon. Not so much as a scratch on my record and no priors or posts. Still, I am a felon.
NOW, the REAL reason I am writing - the bickering MUST end. A lot of people are trying, but where is it getting US? No where fast. It IS time for action. We are all NOT MONSTERS. THEY, the lobbyists, the finger-pointers, the liars, the hypocrites, THEY are the ones.
Think about it. Let's say there are 600,000 RSO's. Now, let's say 1/4 have the right to vote. That's 150,000. Now, let's say half of those people have only one family member willing to help, for arguments sake: that's 300,000 - 300,000 VOTES--300,000 LETTERS to senators, saying end this madness, and REALLY protect the children, truly.
You label us, well I label you: a liar and a hypocrite. I smiled and laughed when Gonzales got "resigned," as well as Foley. They ask some of us for help, for money, for their parties, to make the country better because they will be in that seat, fighting for "us."
I say NO.
I say EVERY LAST OFFENDER - with peace in your heart and forgiveness, tell them to go to hell. 600,000 people can't be wrong.
Repeal the Adam Walsh Act. Repeal the Adam Walsh Act. Repeal the Adam Walsh Act.
Let the poor child rest in peace. So WE can live, and and raise our own families. I've sent letters - now it's 599,999 more to go.