Catching Up with Barry Kutun

Question from a concerned Smashed Frog reader--

I read your blog about the sex offender laws, these laws are equal to me with the Jim Crow Laws. You should ask Charlie Crist why the former city attorney Barry Kutun who was charged and plead guilty to paying to have sex with a 16 year old girl at least six times and videotaping it - does NOT have to live under a bridge or required to register as a sex offender!!!!!!

For those Froggers living outside Florida, justice was indeed perverted when Mr. Kutun was permitted to plea down his horrific charges which most certainly, would have thrown less connected Miami-Dade citizens under the Julia Tuttle Causeway.

Pleading down to child abuse charges kept Kutun--a former Florida state representative-- off the Florida Sex Offender Registry and all the Jim Crow Hitler-esque laws that ice the top of the sex offender laws cake.

Let's talk about the Kutun Connections.

Kutun pled guilty to child abuse after his lawyer negotiated a stunning deal -- house arrest and probation. (Specifically, "...
three third-degree felony charges of Child Abuse-Causing No Great Bodily Harm for having consensual sex with a 16-year-old prostitute".)

He dodged adjudication as a sex offender -- a status that would have banished him to the causeway netherworld. ("He was sentenced to 12 months community control, five years probation and required to enter a sex-offender treatment program.")

No one in Miami Beach thought to erase the disgraced former city attorney's name from a boat ramp bearing his name.

As for his legal career, Kutun was "suspended for two years effective retroactively to Oct. 4, 2007, following a Feb. 28 court order. The suspension will remain in effect until Kutun’s civil rights are restored. Upon reinstatement, Kutun will be on probation for three years."

Perhaps sometime in the future--when Mr. Kutun's rights are most certainly restored--perhaps he can help others caught in the same trap cut a similar sweet deal.

Meanwhile, since when does fishing fall under house arrest?

We can only hope this boat launched off the Barry Kutun Boat Ramp.

So, Governor Crist, we're asking. With whom does one deal to cut a Kutun deal?