I've been ranting via my blog Smashed Frog for over two years.
I have definitely made my voice heard.
Your turn.
If you've been impacted in some way by the unconstitutional sex offender laws of this country, I want to hear from you.
I've read so many heartbreaking stories all over the Internet. And many of those stories deserve to be read by a larger audience.
I have found that the laws become more "real" and more impact made with the general public
when a face is put on these laws...a human face. Your stories depict the pain, the collateral damage and the unintended consequences of the ex post facto punishment these laws impose on you and your family. (Contributors will remain anonymous).
Dear Governor Crist is an example of a story that hits home.
Let Smashed Frog amplify your voice.
Tell your story in your voice and in your own way. Don't worry about perfection, just get your story out. Have a conversation with your keyboard.
Feel free to email questions or your stories in care of Sunny at the email address listed in the sidebar, under the zebra photo.
I can't wait to hear from you.
Make your voice heard.