Reads like a sex offense to me. A real one. With hands on and everything.
A Central Florida police sergeant has been fired after being arrested on suspicion of throwing a female to the ground at a party, pulling her pants down and spanking her with a belt. (...)
Ocoee police Sgt. Tom Maroney was fired on Tuesday. He was arrested Thursday afternoon on charges of attempted sexual battery, false imprisonment and battery.
Yep. I was right. Guess cops do get out from behind the computer once in awhile....
It gets better. Seems "What? I can't spank women?" Maroney bet the thirty year old female on card tricks he performed and said she owed him on the bet.
Maroney appeared drunk, the woman told investigators, and asked her to walk with him around a retention pond at the apartment complex. When they were alone, he asked her for oral sex, pulled down her pants, touched her genitals, pinned her across his legs as he sat on the ground and spanked her about a dozen times on her bare butt.
The woman said she cried and struggled, but Maroney held her down and switched from his hand to a leather belt, hitting her another half-dozen times.
In 2004, a woman who had been an Ocoee police intern complained that Maroney made a bet on a card trick and tried to collect by spanking her, a police internal-affairs report shows. Maroney received a written warning.
Just what the world needs. Another joker with a card trick fetish. I'd say this ace has played his last hand as a private citizen.
Maroney, ya gotta know when to fold 'em.