Hear his story.

I am an RSO in the state of Texas. My crime occurred in 1998, and I have been off probation for a couple of years now. I began dating a truly wonderful woman just before I was arrested (my crime had occurred a few months prior), and she became my wife in 2000.
We have two wonderful children together, which I could not be happier about. The problems I deal with due to the registry are on account of them and my wife.
When I was on probation, I was fully aware that I could have no contact with them in their daily lives at school or at the day care afterwards. It is when I came off probation that issues began to arise regarding how I could parent them. I received a letter from the school one week after I completed my sentence advising me that I could not come to school for any reason, that includes picking them up. For the last three years, I have had to lie to my kids as to why Dad can't come to open house, or to field trips. It makes them sad, and I can tell you that my wife and I have had many nights with a crying child because we both couldn't go see their work, meet the teacher, etc.
There are other issues as well. My kids have been threatened at school. This is elementary mind you, so this conduct by teachers is unfathomable. My children have been harassed by others in their class, because the schools publish this information to parents, even though I am NOT allowed to go to school in the first place. Two children, one 7 the other 9, dealing with things that dad did before they were born. And by teachers no less, it truly boggles the mind.
My wife has had to be the breadwinner for so many of the early years, due to my inability to find a job that accepted me for my work alone, instead looking at the crime I committed in 98. The thing is, when is enough enough? When does the stigma stop for my children?
My wife has had difficulty with alot of this, she has to keep her dead-end job so that in case something comes along due to the registry, we'll have a solid place to at least make the immediate bills.
I have lost a total of 7 jobs in the last 10 years, not for work performance, but because of the registry. How is it that it protects everyone else's kids but mine? Why is it that I must sleep with a gun next to the bed, knowing full well that one day I will have to use it?
The Police have always had an ability to track people that have violated the law. The civilian population has no place in law enforcement. So, tell me again, what is the registry thing all about? It doesn't make anyone safer, it does nothing but place harm to my children and wife.
Ultimately, if things continue, it will cost some self-righteous vigilante their life when they show up on my door step. You see, I am one of the 6000 people in Texas that were never found guilty of a crime, but were placed on the registry. Deferred Adjudication, they call it. So yes, I do own weapons.. Alot of them.
I guess, in as much rambling as I have done I have to say two things.
First, Justice is not blind, it is slanted.
Second, Be very careful if you are a vigilante, the guy you think your gonna hit with a bat might just be me. And I never answer the door unarmed.
My wife has had to be the breadwinner for so many of the early years, due to my inability to find a job that accepted me for my work alone, instead looking at the crime I committed in 98. The thing is, when is enough enough? When does the stigma stop for my children?
My wife has had difficulty with alot of this, she has to keep her dead-end job so that in case something comes along due to the registry, we'll have a solid place to at least make the immediate bills.
I have lost a total of 7 jobs in the last 10 years, not for work performance, but because of the registry. How is it that it protects everyone else's kids but mine? Why is it that I must sleep with a gun next to the bed, knowing full well that one day I will have to use it?
The Police have always had an ability to track people that have violated the law. The civilian population has no place in law enforcement. So, tell me again, what is the registry thing all about? It doesn't make anyone safer, it does nothing but place harm to my children and wife.
Ultimately, if things continue, it will cost some self-righteous vigilante their life when they show up on my door step. You see, I am one of the 6000 people in Texas that were never found guilty of a crime, but were placed on the registry. Deferred Adjudication, they call it. So yes, I do own weapons.. Alot of them.
I guess, in as much rambling as I have done I have to say two things.
First, Justice is not blind, it is slanted.
Second, Be very careful if you are a vigilante, the guy you think your gonna hit with a bat might just be me. And I never answer the door unarmed.