Sometimes one has to see past the countless bloggers trying to make a quick Internet buck off what is passed off as a blog to see the jewels that lie among the vast social network terrain.
Smashed Frog ventured across such a blog this past week. For your reading pleasure, allow me to pass along this African treasure.
Random African Bush Stories is not even remotely connected to George W. Bush. And that's a good thing.
But remote is definitely a keyword.
The author describes himself as "an avid naturalist, in the sense that I am enthusiastic about many aspects of nature." This Frantic Naturalist is the ultimate guide who runs the Namibian Tour company.
And apparently, "a good African Bush tale told late into the night"..."it's the bricks that good guiding is made of."
Instead us throwing political bricks this weekend, let's take a break and live a bit of African adventure via a fellow blogger and naturalist that's proved his bricks.