For those SF newcomers--and for my old friends--I give you the story behind my story.

Smashed Frog.
Hmmm. How can one link dead frogs to politics, elected officials, and just overall governmental mayhem? Oh, so many ways, but allow me to begin with just one.
Summer in my state is brutal. BRUTAL. Recently, I had to run an errand which involved driving your basic oven on wheels. The temp inside the car had to be 150 degrees plus. Immediately, I engaged the a/c and attempted to Zen myself cool by thinking "cool"-snow cones, snowflakes, swimming pools-when something on the outside of my windshield caught my eye.
A frog, a very dead frog, had been smashed against the glass. Stuck and melted. It's eyes were as flat as Orphan Annie's.
In fact, I had to scrape the frog off.
The image stuck with me.
In my view, the current political climate, whether local, state, or federal, smashes us all against the proverbial windshield. Although we fight back as constituents, to make our wishes known, elected officials of both major parties ignore us and do exactly what they want....proposing and enacting detrimental, restrictive, unconstitutional legislation. Why?
Because they can.
These jokers don't care about you. Me. Us. Or our families.
Smashing flat our quality of everyday life? THAT, they care about about.
The purpose of this blog is to wake people up, to initiate a tiny revolution of talk and of action.
Time to scrape ourselves off the windshield.
June 19, 2006