You are being asked to be part of a research project to better understand the impact that sex offender registration, notification, and residence laws have on families of sex offenders. The survey will ask some questions about how you are affected by being a family member of a registered sex offender.
Dr. Jill Levenson, Associate Professor at Lynn University (Florida) is conducting a research project to better understand the impact that sex offender registration, notification, and residence laws have on families of registered sex offenders (RSO).
Jill Levenson is a licensed clinical social worker with over 20 years experience in the human service field. Levenson is also a nationally recognized expert in sexual violence and is frequently quoted in the media and has testified in front of the Florida, Kansas, and New Mexico Legislatures. She contributed to an Amicus Brief submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court in the 2002 case of CT v. Doe, which addressed the constitutionality of Megan's Law.
If you are the family member of a registered sex offender in the USA, please click on the HERE to complete the survey.
This survey is:
-- confidential, secure, and anonymous.
--should take about 15 minutes to complete.
--all answers will be used only for research purposes.
--your identity will not be known.
If you have already completed this survey, please DO NOT do so again. However, please feel free to forward this email to anyone else you know who is a family member of a RSO and might be interested in taking the survey.
Thank you!